




Centralized Storage

With the scientifically unsound proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump now canceled, the danger of "interim" storage threatens. This means that radioactive waste could be "temporarily" parked in open air lots, vulnerable to accident and attack, while a new repository site is sought.



10/19/18: NRC Extends Public Comment Period on Scope of Environmental Review for Texas Consolidated Spent Fuel Storage Facility


NRC: Extension of scoping period for NRC's Environmental Impact Statement on Interim Storage Partners proposed consolidated interim storage facility

As announced by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, at 2:12pm Eastern on Thursday, October 18, 2018:


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff is preparing its response to an October 2, 2018, letter from representatives of 37 organizations and 4 individuals.  You were identified as one of the signatories to that letter.

This email is to notify you that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff is extending the scoping period for its Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on Interim Storage Partners LLC’s proposed consolidated interim storage facility in Andrews County, Texas.  The EIS scoping period was scheduled to close on Friday, October 19, 2018, but the NRC staff is extending the period to Monday, November 19, 2018.  A Federal Register Notice to this effect will be published on October 19, 2018.

The NRC staff soon will be responding to other items requested in the October 2, 2018, letter.


Thank you,

James Park, Project Manager

Environmental Review Branch

Division of Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards and

  Environmental Review

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


Beyond Nuclear, environmental allies, defend legal interventions against Holtec/ELEA CISF


Combined Reply Of Don't Waste Michigan, Citizens' Environmental Coalition, Citizens For Alternatives To Chemical Contamination, Nuclear Energy Information Service, Public Citizen, Inc., San Luis Obispo Mothers For Peace And Nuclear Issues Study Group;

Sierra Club;

Alliance for Environmental Strategies.

These filings came in response to Holtec International, and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff, October 9th filings, challenging the environmental opponents' to Holtec's centralized interim storage facility for irradiated nuclear fuel in New Mexico, including challenging the environmental groups' legal standing, as well as the merits of their legal and technical contentions.

Beyond Nuclear and its environmental allies requested hearings, and petitioned for leave to intervene, on September 14th. Beyond Nuclear also filed motions to dismiss both the Holtec/ELEA, NM, as well as the Waste Control Specialists/Interim Storage Partners CISF in TX.

Next steps in this Holtec/ELEA CISF proceeding could likely include an NRC Commission ruling on the motions to dismiss, and/or the formation of a three-hearing examiner NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, which would preside over oral argument pre-hearings, etc.


radioactive waste is coming through your town

(Please note, on Oct. 18, the public comment deadline was extended by NRC till NOVEMBER 19.)

Action alert from Allison Fisher, Public Citizen's Climate and Energy Program:

Dear Friend,

You were instrumental in helping stall a proposed nuclear waste dump in Texas.

Unfortunately, the same dangerous plan by the same corporate actors is back.

Tell the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that you oppose the latest version of the corporate scheme to dump nuclear waste in Texas.

Submit a comment to the agency now.

In addition to putting Texans at risk, this plan would transport 40,000 tons of lethal waste through our major cities by rail — close to homes, schools and businesses.

If allowed to go forward, the plan also would:

  • Undermine federal efforts to develop a new, less risky approach to radioactive waste storage and disposal.
  • Remove incentives to find a permanent solution to our waste crisis — putting Texas at risk of becoming an unsafe de facto dump site for the country.
  • Saddle millions of Americans with the financial and health risks associated with transporting toxic waste.

That’s why Public Citizen and our allies are calling on the NRC to reject this bad proposal — once and for all.

Add your voice now.

We need a less risky, permanent approach to our decades-old lethal nuclear waste problem.

This is far from it.

Thank you for taking action,

Allison Fisher
Public Citizen's Climate and Energy Program


Holtec So-called “interim” Nuke Waste Dump in NM? Legal, Activist Pushback w/Attny Terry Lodge (NH #381)

Featured Interview:

Holtec, the company trying to own nuclear waste and all its attendant monies, has a ferocious opponent in Terry Lodge.  He is an Ohio trial lawyer who has represented many clients in civil rights, civil liberties, and environmental cases. An advocate for the public interest in energy policy issues who has litigated nuclear power safety and environmental issues for 40 years, Lodge has also represented opponents of nuclear weapons and mountaintop removal mining.

Be well, stay safe, get active,
Libbe HaLevy