




Centralized Storage

With the scientifically unsound proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste dump now canceled, the danger of "interim" storage threatens. This means that radioactive waste could be "temporarily" parked in open air lots, vulnerable to accident and attack, while a new repository site is sought.


Entries by admin (702)


Yucca bill advanced by panel not likely to see House floor


‘Not much benefit to the state’: Legislators scrutinize details of Holtec’s proposed nuclear storage facility


Cops drag out activist as [Holtec International board of directors member] George Norcross testifies at N.J. Senate hearing on tax incentives

As reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer.

George Norcross is a Holtec International board of directors member.
Holtec itself was one of several Norcross affiliated companies that benefited from these controversial tax breaks, to the tune of $1.1 billion altogether.
Holtec alone got $260 million, despite its CEO, Krishna Singh, providing false information on its application paperwork.
Norcross's brother, an attorney, was instrumental in the passage of the tax break law in the first place.
Another Norcross brother is a U.S. Representative.
Further complicating matters in New Jersey, Holtec has secured a takeover of Oyster Creek nuclear power plant, for decommissioning and high-level radioactive waste management.
The high-level radioactive waste at Oyster Creek could be shipped to New Mexico for "interim storage" at a "consolidated facility," if Holtec gets its way.

NRC ASLB rejects last remaining contentions opposed to ISP/WCS CISF in TX

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board has rejected the last remaining contentions opposed to the Interim Storage Partners/Waste Control Specialists so-called consolidated interim storage facility (CISF) in Andrews County, Texas, immediately upon the New Mexico border at Eunice.

Sierra Club's Lone Star Chapter had established standing in the proceeding, and the ASLB had admitted a single contention for hearing on the merits. It had to do with two endangered lizard species that would be further harmed by construction and operation of the CISF, for "temporary storage" of 40,000 metric tons of irradiated nuclear fuel.

See the ASLB ruling, here, rejecting this last remaining contention.

Sierra Club, represented by Cedar Rapids, IA attorney Wally Taylor, plans to appeal this ruling to the NRC Commissioners.

More than 50 contentions were filed against the ISP/WCS CISF, by Beyond Nuclear, Don't Waste Michigan et al. (a coailtion of seven grassroots environmental groups from Texas and nationwide), Fasken Oil, and Sierra Club. The ASLB rejected many legal efforts for supposed lack of standing. If standing was recognized, all other contentions were rejected as supposedly not worthy of a hearing on the merits.

The other legal efforts have also appealed the ASLB's rulings to the NRC Commissioners.

Many to most to all legal efforts will also appeal to the federal courts, if needed.


High level nuclear waste storage site application sparks debate

Waste Control Specialists has applied to store 40,000 tons of spent fuel rods in Andrews County.
As reported by New West 9.