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Kevin Kamps to speak at Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch event against Oyster Creek, June 20

Oyster Creek atomic reactor, of the same Mark 1 General Electric Boiling Water Reactor design as Fukushima Daiichi Units 1 to 4Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch has invited Beyond Nuclear's Radioactive Waste Watchdog, Kevin Kamps, to speak at an event in Toms River, NJ on Monday, June 20th. Entitled "THE TRUTH ABOUT JAPAN IS BEING WITHHELD FROM OUR CITIZENS!", the meeting will take place at 7pm in the Ocean County Library's Mancini Hall at 101 Washington Street. Dr. Titus North, Executive Director of Citizen Power Pennsylvania, is also scheduled to speak. As conveyed on the Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch flyer promoting the event

"The truth about the Japan nuclear disaster is being withheld from our citizens.  Radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant is still leaking and spreading all over the globe.  This nuclear disaster has sparked legitimate fears about nuclear power. The Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant is the same flawed design as the failed Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. We need to have a voice in our energy policy."

For more information, contact Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch at Phone:  732-240-5107 or 732-818-0402, or contact Edith Gbur by email at