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KETV video of NRC Chairman's tour of flooded Ft. Calhoun nuclear power plant

Omaha's ABC t.v. affiliate has posted video interviews from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Greg Jaczko's visit to the flooded Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant on June 27th, including the Chairman's initial observations. KETV also covered Jaczko's visit to the Cooper atomic reactor, also on the swollen Missouri River, the day before. The Omaha Public Power District invited KETV's report on an exclusive tour inside the nuclear power plant, across the ad hoc catwalks that provide the only access for plant workers to the Fort Calhoun facilities -- unless they're willing to wade through waist deep water. KETV also got an exclusive seat on Jaczko's helicopter ride over the flooded Ft. Calhoun site. While NRC and OPPD officials assured the public that all was well at Ft. Calhoun, despite the failure of the Aqua Dam enabling flood waters to lap at the very base of the reactor containment and auxiliary buildings, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers warns that heavier than expected rains this spring and early summer have already worsened the flooding, caused in large part by last winter's huge snow packs in the Rocky Mountains. The big question -- is more rain on the way?! 8 more feet of flood depth would push Fort Calhoun into uncharted territory in terms of safety risks.