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White House approves of major regulatory rollback on dirty bomb/nuclear power disaster clean up standards, setting dangerous precedent for all things nuclear

As reported by Douglas P. Guarino of National Journal Group's Global Security Newswire, the Obama White House approves of a proposal put forth by the National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP) to do away with current 1 in 10,000 permissible cancer incidence rates for a lifetime of exposure to artificial radioactivity in the environment, and allow instead a shocking 1 in 23 cancer incidence rate.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) hired NRCP to set up a panel composed of federal officials from DHS, Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emergency response and radiation divisions, as well as assorted state government agency officials. The NCRP panel's draft proposal parrots a DHS proposal from 5 years ago calling for a nearly identical regulatory rollback, which was prevented from being implemented due to pressure by officials from EPA's Superfund office, various state governments, and a coalition of environmental watchdogs.

The currently proposed rollback, if implemented now, would set a dangerous precedent that could be cited in an attempt to justify and approve the weakening of environmental, public health, and safety regulations and protections on radioactive waste dumps and shipments, nuclear power plants during reactor operations and decommissioning, other radiologically risky facilities, and perhaps even the radioactive contamination of the food chain.

NCRP suggests that a 2 Rem per year radiation dose is acceptable after a dirty bomb attack, or nuclear power catastrophe. This is the same level allowed, even for radiological exposure to children, in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. It also happens to be the allowable level of exposure for German nuclear power plant workers. Apparently, the U.S. federal proponents feel that ordinary citizens should not object to suffering radiation dose rates as high as nuclear power industry workers. Guarino reports that a 2 Rem/year dose, over the course of 30 years of exposure, will cause 1 in 23 exposed persons to develop cancer.

Even the lower end of NCRP's "clean-up" standard -- 100 millirems per year -- would cause 1 in 466 exposed persons to develop cancer after 30 years of exposure. This is a cancer incidence rate more than 20 times worse than EPA's current Superfund clean-up standards.

Guarino reports:

'...Remarks one EPA emergency management official made recently might shed some light on how some staff in that office view [the EPA] Superfund’s applicability to nuclear disasters, however.

Speaking at a March 12 symposium hosted by the Defense Strategies Institute, Paul Kudarauskas, of the EPA Consequence Management Advisory Team, said events like Fukushima would cause a “fundamental shift” to cleanup.

U.S. residents are used to having “cleanup to perfection,” but will have to abandon their “not in my backyard” mentality in such cases, Kudarauskas said. “People are going to have to put their big boy pants on and suck it up.”...'

Suck up carcinogenic radioactive contamination, it would seem he means. Very dangerous amounts of it, in fact.

Please contact President Obama, your U.S. Senators, and your U.S. Representative to protest this absolutely outrageous proposal. Urge them in the strongest possible terms to retain current EPA Superfund radioactivity contamination clean-up standards as the norm for dirty bomb and nuclear power plant disaster recovery efforts. You can be patched through to your Members of Congress via the U.S. Congressional Switchboard at: (202) 224-3121.

President Obama can be contacted by calling the White House at 202-456-1111, writing him online via the White House web form, or writing him at: President Obama; The White House; 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW; Washington, DC 20500.