REGISTER NOW for the Nuclear-Free Future Summit in D.C., Nov. 14-16 + Lobby Day, Nov. 17
This announcement was circulated by Mary Olson of NIRS:
Please come to our Second Nuclear Free Campaign Summit and Strategy Session
This event is for activists working for a Nuclear-Free Future! Here are the event details:
WHO: Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign and Allied Organizations / Activists
WHAT: National Summit for a Nuclear Free Future
WHEN: Nov. 14-17, 2014
WHERE: National 4-H Youth Conference Center, 7100 Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chase, MD 20815
If you stay at the venue (see options on the registration page, starting Thursday Nov 14) there is no additional conference fee. For those who find other housing, $25 is the registration fee for Friday night – Sunday. No fee for Friday, Nov 14 daytime sessions on nuclear waste.
If you are interested in the Nuclear Waste Day (see below), Friday Nov 14 convened by NIRS and SRIC please do reply to me (on email)…even if you have previously been in touch with me or Don. There is no additional fee for Friday – and we will provide lunch to all who participate.
To a Day (Friday Nov 14) or a Long Weekend (Nov 14 – 16) With Friends, Colleagues, Fellow Radioactivists Dedicated to a Nuclear Free Carbon Free Future
In the Washington DC Area (4 H Center in Chevy Chase MD)
Friday, November 14th NUCLEAR WASTE DAY
For folks from communities around closed or closing nuclear power reactors (indefinite waste storage) and those targeted with “consolidated storage” of nuclear power waste
coordinated by Nuclear Information and Resource Service & Southwest Research and Information Center
Purpose: To connect with each other & those on the other end of the same hot rods…Registration coming soon at Lodging and food available on site at cost, no additional registration fee.
Saturday, Nov. 15th to Sunday, Nov. 16th*: SUMMIT FOR A NUCLEAR FREE FUTURE
with Lobby Day Monday, Nov. 17th, coordinated by Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign
Purpose: Plans and strategies for 2015 to further our work closing old nukes, stopping new nukes, uranium fuel chain front and back end dangers and wastes, environmental justice, stopping the nuclear power attack on renewable energy and efficiency.
[Beyond Nuclear's Radioactive Waste Watchdog, Kevin Kamps, has been invited to co-present on the Nuclear Waste panel during the summit]
[*Also, see Update, immediately below, regarding a "Uranium? Leave It In the Ground!" event Beyond Nuclear is honored to co-sponsor!]
Lodging and food available on site at cost, no registration fee for those who stay at the site; nominal program fee for day-participation only. Registration for the Summit will be via Sierra Club – page coming soon!
Diane D’Arrigo, / 301-270-6477
Mary Olson, / 828-252-8409
Tim Judson, / 301-270-6477

Sticker designed by Yuko Tonohira of S.A.N.S., as is the Nov. 16th event flier
Beyond Nuclear is honored to co-sponsor:
-A Film Screening & Discussion About Uranium Mining-
@ Busboys & Poets (5th & K)
1025 5th St. NW Washington, DC 20001
Metro: Gallery Place/Chinatown
Join the discussion with experts and activists fighting the Nuclear Fuel Chain from Cradle to Grave. What can we learn from the history and what is at stake with uranium at this moment?
Film: The River That Harms
(Dir. Colleen Keane, 45 mins, 1987, United States)
This film documents the largest radioactive waste spill in U.S. history - a national tragedy that occurred on Diné (Navajo) lands that received little attention. With the sound of a thunderclap, 94 million gallons of radioactive waste broke through a United Nuclear Corporation storage dam in 1979 and poured into New Mexico’s Puerco River, the main water supply for the Diné people and a tributary of the major source of water for Los Angeles, California. To the Diné people, this event impacted their lands, their health and their economy and sends a prophetic warning for all humanity.
Co-sponsored by: Beyond Nuclear, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Diné No Nukes, S.A.N.S., and Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Link to PDF of Nov. 16th event flier, designed by Yuko Tonohira of S.A.N.S.