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Beyond Nuclear presents at Alliance to Halt Fermi 3's third annual meeting in Dearborn, MI

Beyond Nuclear's Radioactive Waste Watchdog, Kevin Kamps, was honored and privileged to be invited to present at the Alliance to Halt Fermi 3's third annual meeting, at the University of Michigan-Dearborn's Environmental Interpretive Center on Feb. 6.

Here is the link to Kevin's Power Point Presentation, entitled "Fukushima + 5, Chernobyl + 30, Fermi 1 + 50, Where Next?!"

Beyond Nuclear is one of 20 organizations proud to claim membership in the Alliance to Halt Fermi 3.

Beyond Nuclear helped lead the environmental coalition (including Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination, Citizens Environment Alliance of Southwestern Ontario, Don't Waste MI, and Sierra Club Michigan Chapter) that officially intervened against the proposed new Fermi 3 atomic reactor on the Lake Erie shore in southeast Michigan since 2008.

Beyond Nuclear also joined with CEA and DWM to officially intervene against the Fermi 2 20-year license extension. Citizens Resistance at Fermi 2 (CRAFT) also intervened against the Fermi 2 license extension.

Toledo attorney Terry Lodge has long served as legal counsel to both environmental coalitions intervening against Fermi 2 and Fermi 3.