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#WeRise - Jan 21 Teach-In

Beyond Nuclear is honored and privileged to be an official endorser of the following event, and to serve on the planning sub-committee for the environmental track:

#WeRise - Jan 21 Teach-In

On Friday, January 20, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.

On Saturday afternoon, January 21, we gear up for a serious struggle — with an inspirational teach-in that complements the Women’s March on Washington. [Beyond Nuclear has also endorsed, and will take part in, this event.]

Learn more about the Teach-In and RSVP on the event website.

On the anniversary of Citizens United, the Teach-In will launch a serious conversation about what it means to have a democracy in an America where corporate interests rule and the Constitutional rights of large groups of people are publicly undermined by elected leaders.

And it will educate, mobilize and plug countless Americans into urgent campaigns rooted in protecting these most basic rights.

Will you join us?

Attendees at the teach-in will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the critical challenges Trump’s corporate, extremist agenda poses.
  • Learn how to protect and stand in solidarity with immigrant, Muslim and other targeted communities.

  • Identify the intersection between attacks on democracy and our most fundamental rights.
  • Acquire skills to become effective organizers at home.

We know that president-elect Trump and the Republican Congress are swinging their wrecking balls as you read this.

This teach-in is our chance to gear up to fight back with love, solidarity, community and power in numbers.

We hope you can make it.

In solidarity,

Courtney Fuller
Public Citizen’s Democracy Is For People Campaign