Dr. Judith H. Johnsrud "Unsung Hero" Award Winners
2019 Dr. Judith H. Johnsrud "Unsung Hero" Award, presented at ANA DC Days, by Beyond Nuclear staff to Rose Gardner of Alliance for Environmental Strategies in Eunice, New Mexico. Left to right, front row -- Rose's daugther Bridget, granddaughter Aubrey, Rose Gardner, daughter Jessica; back row -- Beyond Nuclear's Linda Gunter, Paul Gunter, Kevin Kamps. Photo by Molly Johnson.2014 -- Inaugural Awardee: Diane D'Arrigo, Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), Takoma Park, Maryland;
2015 -- Michael Keegan, Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes & Don't Waste Michigan, Monroe, MI;
2017 -- David Kraft, Nuclear Energy Information Service, Chicago, Illinois;
2018 -- Terry Lodge, environmental attorney, Toledo, Ohio;
2019 -- Rose Gardner, Alliance for Environmental Strategies, Eunice, New Mexico (see photo);
2020 -- Ian Zabarte, Principal Man of the Western Bands of the Shoshone Nation of Indians ("Peace and Friendship" Treaty of Ruby Valley, Consolidated Treaty Series, Vol. 127, 1863), and Secretary of the Native Community Action Council.
(See other ANA award winners, listed here.)

D.C. Days has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, the Judy Johnsrud Award will still be awarded. Stay tuned.