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NEI lobbies Trump administration for nuclear bailouts under cover of coronavirus pandemic, including at Vogtle 3 & 4 construction site

As reported by AP, and republished by WABE.

The article reports:

The nuclear energy industry is also asking for help, including for a nuclear project in Georgia.

The industry group, the Nuclear Energy Institute, sent a letter to Trump administration officials suggesting ways the federal government could help.

One suggestion: Give grants to projects that have federal loan guarantees, like Georgia Power’s nuclear expansion at Plant Vogtle, that would help cover paid leave and keep work going.

The plant near Augusta is the only nuclear power construction project in the country right now, and it is supposed to be complete in November 2022.

The Vogtle 3 & 4 are already the beneficiary of many billions of dollars worth of ratepayer Construction Work in Progress "nuclear tax" surcharges on electricity bills in Georgia, as well as $13 billion in federal taxpayer-backed nuclear loan guarantees.