





Nuclear Power

Nuclear power cannot address climate change effectively or in time. Reactors have long, unpredictable construction times are expensive - at least $12 billion or higher per reactor. Furthermore, reactors are sitting-duck targets vulnerable to attack and routinely release - as well as leak - radioactivity. There is so solution to the problem of radioactive waste.


Entries from January 1, 2017 - January 31, 2017


"Day Against Denial" actions (Mon., Jan. 9), and Resisting Trump’s Corporate Cabinet

On Thursday, January 5, at 3 pm Eastern, the Climate Reality Check team* held the latest in their series of national conference calls to help strengthen community organizing on climate, entitled:

"Day Against Denial" day of actions, and Resisting Trump’s Corporate Cabinet

[Recording: ]

Donald Trump is putting together a cabinet of greedy corporate shills and climate deniers.

[Beyond Nuclear has focused on the nomination of former Texas governor Rick Perry, due to his blatant conflict of interest involving the Waste Control Specialists, LLC radioactive waste dump in Andrews County, TX. See Beyond Nuclear's article, Radioactive Waste is Good for You, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Rick Perry as Energy Secretary.]

In fact, Trump’s cabinet, if confirmed, will be unparalleled in its ties to Big Polluters and massive corporations.

But it is not a done deal.

A broad coalition of allies are joining the campaign to stop these dangerous picks from being confirmed.

They were joined by Everette Thompson of and Ben Schreiber of Friends of the Earth who led the discussion on the mobilization to block Trump’s dangerous cabinet. The discussion included:

  • The goals of the Day of Denial action on January 9.
  • How the confirmation process for cabinet nominations works.
  • The paths and possibilities for blocking key nominations.
  • How to plug into the various efforts to resist Trump.

More about the presenters:

Ben Schreiber is the climate and energy program director at Friends of the Earth.  Before heading the climate and energy team, Ben previously served as the climate and energy tax analyst at Friends of the Earth. Prior to joining Friends of the Earth, he was a staff attorney at Environment America where he focused on energy issues.  Ben received a B.A. in sociology from the University of Chicago and a J.D. from Washington University in St. Louis

Everette R.H. Thompson has over 15 years of experience in community organizing, organizational development and movement building.  He is Southerner by birth and choice and has dedicated his career to strengthening organizational infrastructure in the South.   Everette has served as the National Field Director for the Rights Working Group a national coalition of over 300 community-based groups and policy organizations dedicated to ending racial and bias profiling across the country.  He also served as the Regional Director of Amnesty International USA’s Southern Regional Office, which was based in Atlanta, GA and covered a region comprised of eleven states in the Southeastern U.S.  As Regional Director, Everette provided the overall strategic vision to meet AIUSA’s campaign goals in the South, traveled extensively throughout the South building strategic partnerships and coalitions and served as the lead spokesperson for AIUSA South. Everette currently serves as the National Equity & Justice Coordinator for

Take Action:
Join the Trump Resistance Rapid Response Team [and see the update below, posted as a follow up]

As mentioned on the call members of the Climate Reality Check network are organizing a rapid response effort (on the call it was referred to as a war room) to coordinate action and messaging around a variety of threats coming from the Trump Administration.  Please sign-up below if you are interested in connecting with this effort. 

Join a Day Against Denial action this MONDAY, Jan 9.

As stated on the call, we want to have actions in all our states and currently we need folks to sign-up for actions in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Kansas, Louisiana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, West Virginia  and Wyoming.
January 9th #DayAgainstDenial 
The info about the Jan, 9 #DayAgainstDenial is pasted in below. Thanks to the many of you who are already involved. If you're still looking to plug in, see below, or email for more info.
There are dozens of events already registered in nearly all 50 states. We would love it if you or one of your local members is able to anchor a new event in a state where we don't have one yet. Your help spreading the word about all the events is hugely helpful as well. 
DC Actions During Next Week's Hearings 
For DC actions, we're hosting an action training / meet-up to plug people into a variety of appointee actions on Tuesday, Jan 10 in the evening. Please encourage more people to attend -- it's a great place to plug into teams that are taking action on Tillerson and more. 
If you have any questions about any of the actions in D.C., please email Deirdre Shelly,
You can also contact your U.S. Senators via a Food & Water Watch action alert (Worst. Cabinet. Ever. Trump Is Building a Cabinet Full of Corporate Control. Tell Your Senators: Block These Appointments!)


*The CRC team is Allison Fisher, Public Citizen, Nancy LaPlaca, NC WARN, Jean Su, the Center for Biological Diversity and Ted Glick, Beyond Extreme Energy and movement builder.

Have an idea or speaker for a call?  Email Allison at


Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant to Close by 2020-2021

As reported by the New York Times.


...Richard Azzopardi, a spokesman for the governor, cautioned that nothing had been finalized.

“There is no agreement — Governor Cuomo has been working on a possible agreement for 15 years and until it’s done, it’s not done,” he said. “Close only counts for horseshoes, not for nuclear plants.”

(As reported by Westchester Magazine, "We should find out the fate of our next-door neighbor soon; Cuomo is scheduled to deliver the third of six regional State of the State speeches in Westchester on Tuesday.")

And the NY Times article added:

The agreement also provides for flexibility if the state cannot find a replacement for Indian Point’s energy: The deadlines in 2020 and 2021 can be pushed to 2024 and 2025 if both the state and Entergy agree.

The NY Daily News quoted NY State AG Schneiderman:

“If we can shut down Indian Point under an agreement that enhances public safety and kick-starts investment into safer and more reliable renewable energy sources, that will be a major victory for the millions of New Yorkers who live in the region,” he said.

The Daily News also quoted [f]ormer Westchester Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, a longtime proponent of closing the plant, [who] said: "It's about damn time. The plant isn't safe, it isn't economical and it's falling apart."

More media coverage.


Nuclear Power, Debated

In response to a pro-nuclear power op-ed in the New York Times, a number of letters to the editor have been published.

Anti-nuclear letters were provided by Friends of the Earth and Gayle Greene, author of The Woman Who Knew Too Much: Alice Stewart and the Secrets of Radiation, a biography of the pioneering radiation epidemiologist.

Another writer calls for the unique, and massive, Price-Andersen nuclear power liability insurance subsidy -- the risk borne by taxpayers -- be ended.

Yet another submission, from someone who agrees with the pro-nuclear message, warns that under a President Trump and Energy Secretary Rick Perry, "Chernobyl here we come," due to short cuts on safety and regulatory rollbacks.

One of the pro-nuclear letters was submitted by Tyson Smith, an attorney at Winston & Strawn, with whom Beyond Nuclear has tangled in its fight against the proposed new reactor at Fermi 3 in Michigan. Smith is lead attorney for Detroit Edison, the license applicant.

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