





Nuclear Power

Nuclear power cannot address climate change effectively or in time. Reactors have long, unpredictable construction times are expensive - at least $12 billion or higher per reactor. Furthermore, reactors are sitting-duck targets vulnerable to attack and routinely release - as well as leak - radioactivity. There is so solution to the problem of radioactive waste.


Entries from January 1, 2017 - January 31, 2017


Tomorrow: Stop a Polluter Puppet from Leading the EPA

Action alert sent by Deirdre Shelly at (Please note that EPA has wide ranging oversight on nuclear power, radioactive waste, and radiation/health matters. As but a couple examples: EPA determines Protective Action Guidelines (PAGs) for hazardous ionizing radioactivity in the environment and food, in the event of a nuclear disaster; and EPA sets the radiation release regulations at the proposed Yucca Mountain high-level radioactive waste dump in Nevada.) 


Donald Trump wants a climate change denier and friend of Big Oil running the EPA.

The President-elect has appointed Scott Pruitt, a man who’s built his career attacking and undermining the very agency he is set to run. As Oklahoma’s Attorney General, Pruitt proved himself a puppet of the fossil fuel industry: he formed a secret alliance with oil and coal companies to gut our environmental regulations and defended ExxonMobil’s climate cover-up.

On Wednesday, the US Senate will hold a confirmation hearing for Pruitt. We’re planning a rally outside the hearing to send the message that we oppose Trump's radical anti-science, pro-fossil fuel nominee. A big action just before the hearing can help set the tone for press coverage, and show Senators that there’s vocal support for their opposition to Pruitt.

Can you join us in DC on Wednesday for a rally to #StopPruitt?

Here are the details:

What: #StopPruitt Rally. A rally outside the Senate confirmation hearing for climate denier Scott Pruitt.

Who:, the Sierra Club, Food & Water Watch and area climate activists.

Where: Dirksen Senate Office Building, Constitution Ave NE & 1st St NE.

When: Wednesday, January 18th, 9:15 AM.

Click here to RSVP to the event on Facebook.

On Wednesday morning, we will gather outside the Senate office building where Pruitt’s hearing is being held. We’ll have signs, banners and a few speakers, and need a big crowd that’s ready to make some noise. When we gathered like this ahead of Rex Tillerson’s hearing, we got good press coverage and encouraged Senators to ask hard questions.

Over the past month, our movement has taken to the streets to resist Trump’s Climate Denier Cabinet. We made thousands of calls to our Senators, held rallies outside Senate offices across the country and mobilized outside Rex Tillerson’s hearing for Secretary of State. On Wednesday, let’s keep up the fight.

See you in the streets,



Resist Trump Network: Action of the Day [re: Sessions for AG]

Action Alert from Resist Trump Network. Please note that the U.S. Attorney General has broad ranging oversight on nuclear power, radioactive waste, and radiation/health matters. As but one timely example: Beyond Nuclear et al. are challenging unprecedented highly radioactive waste truck shipments from Chalk River, Ontario, Canada to Savannah River Site, South Carolina, U.S.A. Although Beyond Nuclear et al.' lawsuit is against the U.S. Department of Energy (DOJ), the U.S. Department of Justice is arguing the case on behalf of DOE. The U.S. Attorney General (AG) runs the DOJ. In fact, most legal matters, involving any federal agency, will very likely involve the AG to some extent, including on nuclear matters. And as the alert makes clear, civil rights and environmental justice (EJ) are closely linked. And nuclear matters impact heavily on EJ, as low income, people of color communities are very disproportionately targeted for hazardous nuclear facilities.


Happy MLK Day!  Yesterday Donald Trump attacked Civil Rights hero and environmental champion John Lewis for standing up to his extremist agenda. Perhaps no one has meshed civil rights and environmentalism better than Rep. Lewis, and yesterday’s attack was a wake up call that we all need to RESIST Trump together.


In honoring Martin Luther King and Rep. Lewis today we are asking that you stand for civil rights and environmental justice by taking a few quick actions in support of the campaign to stop Jeff Sessions from becoming leading the Department of Justice as our next U.S. Attorney General.


Last week, Sessions testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Sen. Cory Booker took the stand against Sessions - making an impassioned plea to the Senate to reject Sessions nomination.  His testimony drew largely on Sessions disgraceful record on race relations and civil rights.


Learn more: about Sessions’ disgraceful history: ACLU report.


Take Quick Action to #StopSessions:


Sample Tweet:

Think about how hard Dr. King fought for #votingrights. Then think about how Jeff Sessions wants to roll them back. #StopSessions #MLKDay


Retweet from Democracy Awakening

Retweet from NAACP

Retweet from Mark Ruffalo


Share the attached graphic from the Human Rights Campaign on Facebook and other social media channels. [See above.]


And remember to join us tomorrow for our Resist Trump Network check-in call to preview the week ahead (hint: we got another big one.)


The call will take place at 4 pm ET/1 pm PT:  an email with call in number has gone out and a reminder will go out tomorrow.


Talk to you then!

Allison, Ben and Jean

[Allison Fisher of Public Citizen, Ben Schreiber of Friends of the Earth, and Jean Su of Center for Biological Diversity, the founders and coordinators of the Resist Trump Network. The Resist Trump Network holds a 30-minute call every Monday at 4pm Eastern. Please reach out to to receive the call-in information.]


Entergy to close Indian Point nuclear plant in landmark agreement

See the Riverkeeper/Scenic Hudson/NRDC press release, posted at the Riverkeeper website. A link to the 169-page agreement is included.



Beyond Nuclear is honored and privileged to be a co-sponsor of this American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) event, and to take part in it:


After the Inauguration: Rest Your Feet, Feed Your Head, Stoke Your Fire!

A free conference at American University’s Kay Spiritual Life Center
SUNDAYJANUARY 22:  1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Please join featured speakers Phyllis Bennis, Michael McPhearson, Judith LeBlanc, John Feffer, Alli McCracken, maTT DeVlieger, Jackie Cabasso, john Feffer, Raed Jarrar, Joseph Gerson, George Martin, Cole Harrison, Kevin Martin and others in a dialogue on building the peace and social justice movement as we build the resistance needed to overcome the Trump regime’s tyranny. In addition to panel discussions, we will have small-group strategy sessions.

Our venue is the Kay Spiritual Life Center at American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C.

Campus map -

Directions -

Parking is $2 per hour in the garage under the Katzen Arts Center on Massachusetts Ave., north of Ward Circle

Shuttle bus from Metro Red Line – Tenleytown station

Sponsoring organizations (in formation): Peace and Planet, American Friends Service Committee, Peace Action Education Fund, United for Peace and Justice, Western States Legal Foundation, Beyond Nuclear, and more.

To add your organization as a sponsor, please contact Joseph Gerson at:


American Friends Service Committee
2162 Mass Ave
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States


#WeRise - Jan 21 Teach-In

Beyond Nuclear is honored and privileged to be an official endorser of the following event, and to serve on the planning sub-committee for the environmental track:

#WeRise - Jan 21 Teach-In

On Friday, January 20, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.

On Saturday afternoon, January 21, we gear up for a serious struggle — with an inspirational teach-in that complements the Women’s March on Washington. [Beyond Nuclear has also endorsed, and will take part in, this event.]

Learn more about the Teach-In and RSVP on the event website.

On the anniversary of Citizens United, the Teach-In will launch a serious conversation about what it means to have a democracy in an America where corporate interests rule and the Constitutional rights of large groups of people are publicly undermined by elected leaders.

And it will educate, mobilize and plug countless Americans into urgent campaigns rooted in protecting these most basic rights.

Will you join us?

Attendees at the teach-in will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the critical challenges Trump’s corporate, extremist agenda poses.
  • Learn how to protect and stand in solidarity with immigrant, Muslim and other targeted communities.

  • Identify the intersection between attacks on democracy and our most fundamental rights.
  • Acquire skills to become effective organizers at home.

We know that president-elect Trump and the Republican Congress are swinging their wrecking balls as you read this.

This teach-in is our chance to gear up to fight back with love, solidarity, community and power in numbers.

We hope you can make it.

In solidarity,

Courtney Fuller
Public Citizen’s Democracy Is For People Campaign