





Radioactive Waste

No safe, permanent solution has yet been found anywhere in the world - and may never be found - for the nuclear waste problem. In the U.S., the only identified and flawed high-level radioactive waste deep repository site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada has been canceled. Beyond Nuclear advocates for an end to the production of nuclear waste and for securing the existing reactor waste in hardened on-site storage.


Entries from March 1, 2019 - March 31, 2019


Environmental coalition letters/backgrounders opposed to Yucca dump and Centralized Interim Storage dropped on Capitol Hill

Spearheaded by Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), an environmental coalition letter, signed by Beyond Nuclear and 80 allied organizations, was delivered to every Member of Congress on March 12, 2019 -- one day after the eighth annual commemoration of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe.

Each congressional office (in both the U.S. House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate) recieved not only the letter, but also a backgrounder on Yucca Mountain, as well as a backgrounder on Centralized Interim Storage.