





Radioactive Waste

No safe, permanent solution has yet been found anywhere in the world - and may never be found - for the nuclear waste problem. In the U.S., the only identified and flawed high-level radioactive waste deep repository site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada has been canceled. Beyond Nuclear advocates for an end to the production of nuclear waste and for securing the existing reactor waste in hardened on-site storage.


Entries from September 1, 2017 - September 30, 2017


Scores of groups oppose H.R. 3053!


Congressional action alert reminder: Help stop nuke waste dumps! Contact your U.S. Rep.!

Help push back against nuclear power lobbyists! If you've already taken these actions, thank you -- please spread the word to others. If not, please contact your U.S. Representative, and urge opposition to H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017. Rumor has it the bill could go to the U.S. House floor for a vote in the next week or two. If H.R. 3053 becomes law, it would expedite the opening of environmentally unjust, scientifically unsuitable, non-consent-based radioactive waste dumps in Nevada (permanent disposal at Yucca Mountain), New Mexico, and/or Texas (so-called centralized interim storage facilities, at Holtec/Eddy-Lea Energy Alliance, and Waste Control Specialists, LLC, respectively). These dumps would require unprecedented numbers of high-risk "Mobile Chernobyl" road, rail, and/or waterway shipments of irradiated nuclear fuel through most states to get the nuke waste there. To find the contact info. for your U.S. Representative, enter your zip code, hit GO, and follow the links, or get patched through to their office by phoning the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 225-3121, and follow the voice prompt instructions.


Beyond Nuclear letter to the editor in the L.A. Times

The following letter to the editor was published in the Los Angeles Times, written in response to a Sept. 11, 2017 L.A. Times editorial:

To the editor: For 15 years, hundreds of environmental groups have advocated for hardened on-site storage of irradiated nuclear fuel, as close and safely as possible, to the point of generation as a necessary interim measure.
Why ship highly radioactive waste a thousand miles to the east when it could be moved just a few miles? San Onofre’s wastes can be transferred out of the tsunami zone, away from the earthquake faults, across the 5 Freeway, further inland and to higher ground. By moving the dangerous nuclear fuel rods into the heart of Camp Pendleton, there would be the added bonus of many thousands of U.S. Marines to help guard it.
The push to turn the New Mexico-Texas borderlands into a nuclear wasteland is an environmental injustice. The large Hispanic population already suffers significant pollution from oil drilling, natural gas fracking, uranium enrichment and “low-level” radioactive waste disposal.
Kevin Kamps, Takoma Park, Md. 

The writer monitors radioactive waste for the group Beyond Nuclear.