





Radioactive Waste

No safe, permanent solution has yet been found anywhere in the world - and may never be found - for the nuclear waste problem. In the U.S., the only identified and flawed high-level radioactive waste deep repository site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada has been canceled. Beyond Nuclear advocates for an end to the production of nuclear waste and for securing the existing reactor waste in hardened on-site storage.


Entries from April 1, 2016 - April 30, 2016


Four down, five to go: DOE "Consent-Based Siting" meetings

Four down: Washington, D.C., Jan. 20; Chicago, March 29; Atlanta, April 11; Sacramento, April 26 (Chernobyl+30 years).

Five to go:

  • Denver, Colorado on May 24, 2016 at the Embassy Suites Denver - Stapleton. Please register here to attend the Denver meeting in person or view the event online.
  • Boston, Massachusetts on June 2, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Boston. Please register here to attend the Boston meeting in person or view the event online.
  • Tempe, AZ on June 23, 2016 at the Marriott Phoenix Tempe at the Buttes. Please register here to attend the Tempe meeting in person or view the event online.
  • Boise, ID on July 14, 2016 at Boise Centre. Please register here to attend the Boise meeting in person or view the event online.
  • Minneapolis, MN on July 21, 2016 at the Hilton Minneapolis. Please register here to attend the Minneapolis meeting in person or view the event online.

Speak now (before the July 31 deadline for public comments), or forever hold your peace, regarding Mobile Chernobyls through a town near facto permanent parking lot dumps for high-level radioactive waste...and permanent burial dumps for high-level radioactive waste on scientifically unsuitable, socially unacceptable locations!


Goals of U.S. Department of Energy Meeting in Sacramento April 26 would Trigger Largest Nuclear Shipping Campaign in History: California Cities Would be Fukushima Freeways

As an environmental coalition put it in a press release, Goals of U.S. Department of Energy Meeting in Sacramento April 26 would Trigger Largest Nuclear Shipping Campaign in History: California Cities Would be Fukushima Freeways.

The coalition also released a map showing likely irradiated nuclear fuel shipping routes through CA, should the WCS parking lot dump in TX open. In addition, the coalition published a map showing likely national impacts of the WCS proposal.


Transcript and video from April 26th DOE "Consent-Based Siting" public meeting in Sacramento, CA

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sent the following to public participants in its unfortunately timed Sacramento, CA "Consent-Based Siting" public meeting (April 26th was the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe):

Thank you for your participation in the recent consent-based siting meeting hosted by the Department of Energy in SacramentoThe meeting transcript and video are available on our website and meeting notes from the small group discussion summaries will follow.

Feel free to provide feedback about our meetings by sending us an email, and stay involved by replying to the Invitation for Public Comment in the Federal Register.  As always, visit our website for the latest consent-based siting news and information. 

-The Department of Energy Consent-based Siting Team


DANGER - Radioactive Leak at INDIAN POINT

This 30-minute interview has just been published and broadcast in New York City, and is also available for viewing online: Alfred C. Meyer, Board Member of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) & Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Watchdog at Beyond Nuclear, discuss the danger of continuing radioactive leaks at Indian Point, Buchanan, New York. An Access for All Production produced through the facilities of Manhattan Neighborhood Network, by Gloria Messer, Producer/Director.

High-level radioactive waste storage pools, as well as dry casks, are discussed during the course of the interview. The pools at Indian Point have been leaking hazardous radioactivity into the soil, groundwater, and Hudson River for over a decade. Also, the safety and security risks of losing the cooling water in the pools -- whether due to a sudden drain down, or slower motion boil down -- is very significant. The pools lack a robust radioactive containment structure, and a waste fire could unleash very large quantities of hazardous radioactivity, such as Cesium-137, into the environment.


The nuclear industry, Congress, and federal agencies are working together to open parking lot dumps and launch Mobile Chernobyls -- we must stop them!

An infrared photo showing the thermal heat of a German CASTOR cask filled with irradiated nuclear fuel being transported by rail to centralized interim storage in Gorleben, Germany. The high-level radioactivity, not the thermal heat, is the hazard to human health, safety, and the environment, however.In a press release from the U.S. Senate Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee, its Republican Chairman and Ranking Democrat claim to be "Solving the Nuclear Waste Stalemate," and that their "bill includes a pilot program for consolidated nuclear waste storage, introduced by [U.S. Senator Lamar] Alexander [(R-TN)] and ranking member U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).  It also includes language that allows DOE to store nuclear waste at  private facilities that are licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission [NRC]."

Waste Control Specialists, LLC in Andrews County, western Texas, is poised to apply for a construction and operating license to NRC, perhaps yet this month.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has held three "Consent-Based Siting" meetings thus far, with six more to go around the country.

By as early as 2021, DOE hopes to ram through approval for the first of one or more parking lot dumps, targeted at such additional sites as Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, New Mexico (WIPP, not far from WCS), other DOE sites, Native American reservations, and/or nuclear power plants such as Dresden in Illinois.

This would launch unprecedented thousands of Mobile Chernobyls, Floating Fukushimas, and Dirty Bombs on Wheels, onto the roads, rails, and/or waterways of most states. (Also see Beyond Nuclear's Waste Transportation website section, for more information.)

DOE will accept public comments until July 31st.

Learn more, including what you can do, at Beyond Nuclear's Radioactive Waste website section.