Brett Kavanaugh Also Lied About His Rulings on the Environment
As reported by Sharon Lerner at The Intercept.
Kavanaugh also voted against Beyond Nuclear, et al., in New York versus U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) II, on June 3, 2016.
This ruling was in favor of NRC's Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel policy. In short, it grants the nuclear power industry carte blanche to generate high-level radioactive waste, despite the risks. NRC simply found that irradiated nuclear fuel can be stored, and disposed of, safely. The facts majorly beg some questions about that overly optimistic, flippant conclusion.
Kavanaugh, for one, had no questions, and just rubber-stamped the nuclear industry's agenda of continuing to generate irradiated nuclear fuel, ad nauseum.
By way of contrast, President Obama's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Merrick Garland, in 2013 cast a dissenting opinion in a case re: Yucca Mountain that was sympathetic to the views of Beyond Nuclear et al. (even though we were not a party to the case). Garland -- whose nomination was ruthlessly blocked by Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and Chuck Grassley (R-IA), without so much as a committee hearing, an action without precedent in U.S. history -- held that the resumption of the highly controversial NRC Yucca Mountain licensing proceeding, absent needed funding, was the "doing of a useless act."

The Washington Post reported on Kavanaugh's environmental record in similar ways the next day.