





Radioactive Waste

No safe, permanent solution has yet been found anywhere in the world - and may never be found - for the nuclear waste problem. In the U.S., the only identified and flawed high-level radioactive waste deep repository site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada has been canceled. Beyond Nuclear advocates for an end to the production of nuclear waste and for securing the existing reactor waste in hardened on-site storage.


Entries from May 1, 2021 - May 31, 2021


URGENT: Many Ways to Comment during Public Hearing about Proposed WIPP Expansion

May 13th action alert as posted at the website of Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety (CCNS) in Santa Fe, NM:

Monday, May 17th, begins a five-day virtual public hearing by the Hazardous Waste Bureau about the proposed new shaft and doubling of the size of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), a dump for plutonium-contaminated waste from the manufacture of nuclear weapons.

You are invited to provide your written comments between now and the end of the hearing to the Hearing Clerk. You can make oral comments on Zoom during the hearing. , scroll down to March 10, 2021 entry. The hearing is scheduled to begin each day at noon and end at 9 pm Mountain Time, with a two-hour break between 4 and 6 pm Mountain Time. On Monday, May 17th, oral public comments will be heard between 6 and 7 pm Mountain Time. On subsequent days, public comment will be heard between noon and 1 pm and between 6 and 7 pm Mountain Time.

Each person can make oral comments only once during the five-day hearing and they are limited to five minutes. You can sign-up to give comments using the chat function on Zoom. You will be called on to speak in the order in which people signed up. If too many people sign up for the one-hour session, they will be called first in the next public comment session. , scroll down to March 10, 2021 entry and the May 11, 2021 Pre-Hearing Order.

This information is found on p. 3 of the NMED Public Notice at: , scroll down to March 10, 2021 entry and March 18, 2021 Hearing Public Notice .

The Zoom hearing may be joined through the following meeting link:

Meeting ID: 917 2894 5523

To join by telephone:

For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location.

Dial: US: 1-669-900-6833 or 1-253-215-8782 or 1-346-248-7799 or 1-929-436-2866 or 1-301-715-8592 or 1-312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 917 2894 5523
Passcode: 050223

There is no restriction on the number of written comments you can submit to the Hearing Clerk at

WIPP is the only operating deep geologic repository for radioactive and hazardous waste created by the U.S. nuclear weapons industry in the world. It is located 26 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico and scheduled to close in 2024. But the Department of Energy (DOE) has other plans.

Where can you find more information about the DOE’s expansion plans, key issues, and how to participate in the public hearing? The Stop Forever WIPP Coalition has prepared five newsletters. Newsletters four and five are available in both English and Spanish.

The Coalition has prepared three sample public comments in English and Spanish you can use. The topics cover public participation, land use, other economic considerations, and DOE’s broken promises and misrepresentations. You can use the information to create your own comment letter.

All of this information and more is available at the Stop Forever WIPP website, , and Facebook page at , along with sample public comments you can use in both English and Spanish. They are also posted on this website in the right column next to this article under the STOP WIPP logo .

Please share this Update with your friends, family and colleagues. It’s time to raise your voice!

[See the Spanish language version of this alert, as well as a link to an audio recording, at CCNS's website.]


VICTORY ON TX NUKE WASTE BILL! Thanks for helping stop HB 2692 -- for now

Opponents spoke out against Waste Control Specialists, LLC's highly radioactive waste Consolidated Interim Storage Facility schemes at NRC's environmental scoping public comment meeting in Andrews, Texas in Feb., 2017Anti-nuke activist Lon Burnam, who previously served as a progressive Democratic Texas State Rep. from Fort Worth for 18 years, reports: "We in Austin are excited to report the TX Nuke Waste House Bill was referred back to committee today because the Bill Analysis was substantially incorrect. That does not mean it's dead, but is a very polite way of saying the author of the bill has lied about what the bill would accomplish."
Thanks to all who have opposed State Rep. Brooks Landgraf's bill, including our members in TX! Texans, please continue to take action. If you do not reside in TX, please spread word to Texans you know, urging them to take action. See action alerts at link below for more information.