




« Re: "Private Initiatives" (PIs) for de facto permanent high-level radioactive waste parking lot dumps: Sample talking points you can use to write your own comments, and instructions on how to submit them to DOE by Jan. 27 deadline | Main | How to submit your public comments re: PI ISF comments to DOE by the Jan. 27 deadline »

Jan. 27, Deadline for Public Comment on Private Initiatives to Open Parking Lot Dumps for High-Level Radioactive Waste

DOE Request for Information on Private Initiatives to Develop Consolidated Interim Storage Facilities

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) requests information regarding private initiatives (PI) for making consolidated interim storage facility (ISF) services available to DOE for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) storage, whether a pilot-scale or larger-scale facility.  DOE believes that potential host/neighboring communities, potential ISF operators and existing nuclear waste facility operators, among others, may be interested in responding to this RFI.

To provide your comments on the Request for Information on Private Inititives, please email The comment period ends on January 27, 2017.

Public Comments

The comments received thus far are included below: