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Help halt Holtec! National public comment opportunity via phone-in/webinar on Wed., April 25th, 7-9pm Eastern

Members of the public nationwide can submit verbal comments at the following NRC public meeting re: environmental scoping for the Holtec International/Eddy-Lea [Counties] Energy Alliance, NM centralized interim storage scheme:

Wednesday, April 25, from 7-9pm Eastern Time

The call-in telephone bridgeline is (888) 946-8389, and the passcode is 6408603.

As recommended by NRC, to register in advance for the webinar, go to, fill out the requested info., and submit it.

Once you register, instructions will be sent to you via email re: How To Join the Webinar, as well as how to choose your audio option (call-in phone #, or Webinar ID #).

Those who live in the Washington, D.C. area could also attend this meeting, to be held at NRC HQ in Rockville, MD, located at 11555 Rockville Pike, to provide verbal comments in person.

NRC states:

Members of the public may register in advance to present oral comments by contacting Ms. Antoinette Walker-Smith at (301) 415-6957, or via email at, no later than April 23, 2018. Arrive 30 minutes early to allow time for security registration; for more info.

For more info., see NRC’s website posting at ); also see

Multiple sets of Beyond Nuclear sample comments, addressing various high risks of this proposal, are available for use to write your own for submission to NRC.

(Note that April 25 is the eve of the 32-year mark on Chernobyl (April 26, 1986 to April 26, 2018). While Chernobyl was a reactor explosion and fire, there are plenty of explosion, fire, and other risks associated with highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel in transport and storage, as proposed under Holtec/ELEA's CISF scheme. Hence, slogans re: the high risks of irradiated nuclear fuel shipments like "Mobile Chernobyl," used by opponents since the 1990s.)

See the sample comments, posted at Beyond Nuclear's Centralized Storage website section, along with detailed instructions for how to submit them online, or by snail mail.

In addition to the national call-in/webinar and in-person meeting at NRC HQ in Rockville, MD on 4/25 described above, there will also be in-person verbal comment opportunities in s.e. NM in late April and early May (however, no call-in/webinar will be provided by NRC for those meetings):

Those who live near enough to s.e. NM could provide verbal comments by attending in person (no phone-in or webinar being provided by NRC in conjunction with these s.e. NM meetings) --

4-7pm Mountain Time, April 30, at Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell Campus, Union Building, Room 110, 48 University Blvd., Roswell, NM;

7-10pm Mountain Time, May 1, at the Lea County Event Center, 5101 N. Lovington Highway, Hobbs, NM;

7-10pm Mountain Time, May 3, at the Eddy County Fire Service, 1400 Commerce St., Carlsbad, NM.

The deadline for public comments is May 29, 2018.

Please spread the word! We need to generate large numbers of quality public comments!