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Nuclear waste issue divides candidates

As reported by Michael Coleman in the Albuquerque Journal.

Michelle Lujan Grisham, U.S. Rep. from n. NM, and a leading Democratic candidate for governor, spoke forcefully about the risks of so-called "interim storage" becoming de facto permanent, by default:

Lujan Grisham said that if Holtec was licensed as a temporary storage facility and then Yucca Mountain never opened, New Mexico would be stuck with the waste.

“This bill will only create more uncertainty by creating a dangerous loophole that could permanently strand nuclear waste in New Mexico without any guarantee that a long-term strategy will eventually be agreed upon,” Lujan Grisham said. “Storing and transporting nuclear waste is incredibly dangerous. Singling out New Mexico and Nevada, and making massive policy changes based purely on political considerations is completely irresponsible.”