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Two powerful nights of opposition to Holtec/ELEA's CISF in Albuquerque, NM!

Robin Seydel of AFES (Alliance for Environmental Strategies) reported back that on May 21st, the Albuquerque, New Mexico City Council approved a Memorial that opposes transport of high-level nuclear waste through ABQ on the rails. Several people, including Seydel and Janet Greenwald (AFES/CARD, Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping), spoke out in favor of the Memorial at the city council meeting, as they had in past weeks. (See the Albuquerque memorial, and the vote count, under Updates below.)

Seydel also reported back from the May 22nd Albuquerque NRC meeting that more than 200 people attended, and that 63 public comments at the microphone presented eloquent fact-based objections to Holtec/ELEA's CISF, while only 6 people spoke in favor of it.

The Santa Fe New Mexican has reported on the ABQ NRC meeting, as did the Albuquerque Journal.

So did the Associated Press.

Congratulations to our friends and colleagues in ABQ for a very successful two days of opposition to Holtec/ELEA's CISF (Eddy-Lea [Counties] Energy Alliance; Centralized Interim Storage Facility).