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Coalition opposed to Holtec/ELEA CISF in NM meets NRC environmental scoping public comment deadline

(B.) Don't Waste Michigan comments (Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps serves as a board of directors member for DWM, representing his hometown Kalamazoo chapter). Terry Lodge, an attorney based in Toledo, OH, has long served as DWM's legal counsel. Lodge, and DWM board of directors Michael Keegan, prepared this set of comments.

(C.) Tim Judson and Diane D'Arrigo from NIRS have reported that their action alerts generated 5,293 comments submitted, from 3,630 unique individuals.

(D.) Leona Morgan from Nuclear Issue Study Group has reported that 5,123 hard copies of letters, comment cards, and petitions were collected by NISG and other NM volunteers, and submitted to NRC by the deadline. (This count does not include NISG verbal comments at the NRC meetings. The transcripts from NRC public comment meetings are viewable, posted on Beyond Nuclear's website, by clicking here. The ratio of opponents against the Holtec/ELEA CISF, to proponents in favor, was nearly 5 to 1, at the microphone during the half-dozen NRC public comment meetings. Five were held in NM; one was held at NRC HQ in Rockville, MD.)

(E.) Sierra Club comments. Iowa-based attorney Wally Taylor, of the Sierra Club Nuclear-Free Campaign, serves as legal counsel for the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club, which represents Sierra Club members in the State of New Mexico, as well as West Texas. Additional comments were filed by John Buchser on behalf of the Rio Chapter Chapter of the Sierra Club on July 12th. Another Sierra Club leader in NM, Teresa Seamster, also submitted this set of comments.

(F.) Southwest Research and Information Center, Albuquerque, NM, comments, submitted by Don Hancock.

(G.) Public Citizen and SEED (Sustainable Energy and Economic Development) Coalition comments. Their comments attached 7 attachments:

(1.) BNSF State line to Vaughn - ACS;

(2.) Rail line Raton to Belen - ACS;

(3.) Southern Clovis to Carlsbad - EJ SCREEN;

(4.) UP Gallup to Clovis - ACS;

(5.) Albuquerque City Council Resolution.pdf;

(6.) Las Cruces City Council Resolution;

(7.) City of Jal Resolution 2018-22 (2).

Tom "Smitty" Smith serves as Director of Special Projects, and Adrian Shelley serves as Director of the Texas Office, of Public Citizen. Karen Hadden serves as Director of the SEED Coalition. Public Citizen's Texas Office, and SEED Coalition, are both based in Austin, TX. Public Citizen also circulated a webform that could be utilitized to efficiently submit comments to NRC, as did NIRS above. Public Citizen's email blast generated 10,561 comments.

(H.) Food & Water Watch generated nearly 4,000 comments.

(I.) NM Interfaith Power & Light reports that people of faith, mostly faith leaders, generated about 400 comments, including a letter from faith leaders.

(J.) Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety reports it generated nearly 200 comments.

Thus, taken together, the numbers of comments submitted by NISG, NIRS, Public Citizen, Food & Water Watch, and numerous other environmental, and environmental justice groups, top 25,000!

(K.) David A. Kraft, Director, Nuclear Energy Info. Service of Chicago, submitted these comments.