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Beyond Nuclear urges U.S. Senate opposition to S. 1234, the Nuclear Waste Administration Act, as well as S.___, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2019

Beyond Nuclear has communicated, on behalf of its members and supporters in all 50 states, with all 100 U.S. Senate offices, expressing our opposition to both S. 1234, "The Nuclear Waste Administration Act of 2019," as well as S._____, " The Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2019."

Among other outrages, both bills, if enacted, would authorize consolidated interim storage facilities, as currently targeted at NM and TX.

See Beyond Nuclear's detailed cover letter, here.

The packet also included the following attachments:

1.) Letter from NM governor to Energy Secretary ad NRC Chairman;

2.) TX governor's veto of radioactive waste rider;

3.) Statement of Principles for Safeguarding Nuclear Waste at Reactors (Hardened On-Site Storage Principles);

4.) National map showing road and rail routes in 44 states and the District of Columbia, en route to Yucca Mountain, Nevada (see this link for additional info. re: BARGE routes, on waterways in many states, implicated in the Yucca dump scheme, as well).

5.) Beyond Nuclear letter to the editor of the L.A. Times.