




« Beyond Nuclear public comments #10, re: NRC's Holtec/ELEA CISF DEIS -- re: NRC collusion with Holtec on CISF rubber-stamp is illegal, dangerous | Main | Beyond Nuclear public comment #8, re: NRC's Holtec/ELEA CISF DEIS, Docket ID NRC-2018-0052 -- re: the license for Private Fuel Storage, LLC, CISF -- targeted at Skull Valley Goshutes Indian Reservation in Utah -- is not terminated, contradicting NRC Staff assertions to the contrary »

Beyond Nuclear public comments #9, re: NRC's Holtec/ELEA CISF DEIS, Docket ID NRC-2018-0052 -- re: Cerro Grande Fire exacerbates the environmental injustice of the Holtec CISF scheme

Submitted via: <>
Dear NRC Staff,

On Sunday, May 10, 2020, the following article was published:

This is yet another reason that the Holtec/ELEA CISF targeted at NM is one environmental justice burden too many. So too the WCS/ISP CISF targeted at the NM border at Eunice, just a mile or so into TX. NM has suffered enough from the nuclear industry already.
The map is posted online here:
NM has too long shouldered too many EJ burdens -- nuclear, fossil fuel, and other hazards.
For this reason alone, the Holtec/ELEA CISF is a non-starter, as yet another, major, EJ violation.
So too is the WCS/ISP CISF in TX, a mile or so from the NM border at Eunice.
These comments are submitted on behalf of our members and supporters in NM and TX, as well as across the U.S. along the impacted transport routes.
Please acknowledge the receipt of these comments. Thank you.