




« Beyond Nuclear's 27th set of public comments, re: Docket ID NRC-2018-0052, re: NRC's Holtec/ELEA CISF DEIS | Main | With the NRC Comment Window Closing Tomorrow, Thousands Weigh in To Oppose Holtec’s Proposed Massive New Radioactive Waste Dump in New Mexico: NRC Public Comment Period Rammed through amidst Deadly Pandemic Despite Widespread Protest »

Comments opposing Holtec's CISF targeting NM due 11:59pm Eastern, Tuesday, September 22nd!

Just today left to submit comments against this monstrous environmental injustice, the world's largest high-level radioactive waste dump targeting the majority minority (BIPOC -- Black, Indigenous, People of Color, especially LatinX) State of New Mexico, which has already suffered very badly from 75 years of nuclear colonialism!

Here are three simple links individuals can use to file comments on the Holtec project with the NRC:

Nuclear Issues Study Group's of Albuquerque, NM--- 

or NIRS's of Takoma Park, MD--- 

or SEED Coalition's of Austin, TX---

Do all three webforms/sample comments, if you can! Add your own ideas to what's already provided!

Comments can also be filed directly to the NRC by emailing them to <>. (For any questions about that process, contact Stacey Imboden,  For questions about the Holtec Draft Environmental Impact Statement, contact Jill Caverly,

See Beyond Nuclear's 26 sets of comments, as submitted, for more ideas you can use to prepare your own comments to submit to NRC by the deadline.

You can still sign your group onto a coalition comment letter! More than 100 groups have already signed on! If you have not already done so, please sign your organization on! To sign your group on, simply email <> your personal name, title if any, organization name, city, state, and email address. Deadline -- 5pm Tues., Sept. 22nd -- after that, we'll still try to add you, but will be submitting in advance of the 11:59pm Eastern deadline to be sure it gets in.

See the Sept. 21st Beyond Nuclear and NIRS press release giving the latest figures on how many comments have been submitted.