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U.S. Rep. Pfluger: Don’t Bring More Nuclear Waste to Andrews 

WASHINGTON, DC – Tuesday, Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) released a statement condemning the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission decision to license a new nuclear waste storage site in Andrews, Texas:

“The decision handed down by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to license a new nuclear waste storage site in Andrews is a massive blunder. This disappointing announcement failed to consider the lack of community support for the project – a vitally important aspect of siting nuclear waste laid out by the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future. The majority of folks who live and work in this community are vehemently opposed to this waste being stored in Andrews, and not a single elected official supports this decision. In fact, the NRC received over 10,000 responses to their public comment period, and the majority of them were against the site. I have been and will remain vocal in my opposition. I urge the NRC to reverse course.”