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Yet another photo angle shows Ft. Calhoun's dry cask storage on elevated "island" amidst rising flood waters

This photo, left, which appeared in the Omaha World-Herald, shows yet another angle on the "independent spent fuel storage installation" (ISFSI), or dry cask storage, at Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant. It is the rectangular bunker-like structure in the upper right of the photo, on the small island of dry land surrounded by muddy flood waters. It is clear that the dry cask storage is behind a flood barrier, but not the (now-collapsed) Aqua Dam (the thicker, black water-filled rubber wall around the main reactor complex). However, the dry cask storage is located on elevated ground, although flood waters are predicted to deepen still. If the foot vents on the dry casks were to be blocked by flood water or debris, the convection air currents could be disrupted; those air currents are needed to keep the irradiated nuclear fuel cool within.