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Public comments needed at NRC Nuke Waste Con Game meeting, Denver, Oct. 3

October 3

Denver, Colorado
Crowne Plaza Denver International Airport Convention Center
15500 East 40th Ave
Denver, CO  80239


Open House
6:00-7:00 p.m. MDT
7:00-10:00 p.m. MDT

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is holding a public comment meeting in Denver on October 3rd regarding its court-ordered "Nuclear Waste Confidence" draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement.

Beyond Nuclear posted an action alert last week:

It contains links to sample public comments, that folks can use to write their own.

It also contains information on pre-registering to speak, which NRC urges public commenters to do in advance.

Thanks for spreading the word in the Denver area!

Please note, this NRC Denver field meeting will not have webinar or teleconference capability. To take part or make oral comments, folks have to attend in person.

The Nov. 14th NRC HQ public comment meeting in Rockville, MD will be the next -- and last -- time that folks can make comments by phone, or watch online. However, written comments can be submitted anytime between now and the end of the public comment period on Nov. 27th, via email, webform, snail mail, fax, or hand-delivery. See the action alert link above for more information.