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Resolutions, legislators, and petition signatures against Canadian Great Lakes radioactive waste dump!

MI State Rep. Sarah Roberts (D-St. Clair), and Sen. Hoon-Yung Hopgood (D-Taylor), spoke to local press along the shores of Lake Huron at Macpherson Park in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada. Photo credit Kincardine Times.The number of resolutions against the Canadian Great Lakes radioactive waste dump is growing significantly, as Michigan legislators, State Senator Hoon-Yung Hopgood (D-Taylor) and State Representative Sarah Roberts (D-St. Clair), traveled to Kincardine, Ontario to testify in person before the Joint Review Panel (JRP) against the proposed dump on the Lake Huron shore. (see photo, left)

Sen. Hopgood and Rep. Roberts joined 31 Canadian and U.S. environmental and public interest groups, including Beyond Nuclear, in a Request for Ruling sent to the JRP today, asking for clarification on whether or not highly radioactive wastes would also be dumped at the DGR (Deep Geologic Repository, what critics have sarcastically dubbed the DUD, for Deep Underground Dump). This Request for Ruling follows a previous, similar one asking for clarification on decommissioning wastes, which alone could double the dump's capacity from 200,000 cubic meters of operational and refurbishment "low" and "intermediate" level radioactive waste, to 400,000 cubic meters altogether.

Sen. Hopgood and Rep. Roberts put out a press release about the Request for Ruling on highly radioactive wastes.

The Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump petition has added a thousand signatures in the past week alone, approaching nearly 36,000. If you haven't signed it, please do, and spread the word to everyone you know!