




« Sample comments you can use to write your own for NRC's "Nuke Waste Con Game" draft GEIS public comment period (Sept. 13 to Nov. 27) | Main | Environmental groups challenge NRC's false confidence on radioactive waste, organize for nationwide public comment meetings »

How to submit public comments to NRC re: its "Nuke Waste Con Game" draft GEIS

Public comments will be accepted by NRC through various means.

Comments can be submitted online at, using Docket ID No. NRC-2012-0246.

Comments can be submitted via e-mail to, citing Docket ID No. NRC-2012-0246.

Comments can be snail-mailed to: Secretary; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Washington, D.C. 20555-0001; ATTN: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff (cite Docket ID No. NRC-2012-0246 at the top of your comments).

Comments can be faxed to the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, at (301) 415-1101, citing Docket ID No. NRC-2012-0246.

Comments can also be hand-delivered to 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852, between 7:30 AM and 4:15 PM Eastern Time on Federal workdays; telephone (301) 415-1677.

Comments can also be made by way of oral testimony presented at a dozen public comment meetings to be held around the country from October 1st to mid-November. We need to pack these meetings, so please spread the word!

The first and last public comment meetings, on October 1st and November 14th, will be held at NRC HQ in Rockville, MD. At these two public comment meetings only, members of the public can take part remotely, online via webcast and/or by telephone conference, and provide oral comments that way. (All other public comment meetings around the country must be attended in person only, in order to submit public comments.)

NRC has requested that participants in the public comment meetings register ahead of time. You can pre-register by phone at (301) 287-9392, or by filling out the webform at:

If there is a large number of persons at a meeting seeking to make public comments, NRC will limit each speaker to 3 minutes. Although one can register on the day of, at the event, those who have pre-registered will be given priority at the microphone.

NRC has provided the following point of contact for any questions about the material in the GEIS:

Sarah Lopas; Mail Stop: 3WFN; 14C64; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Washington, D.C. 20555-0001; Phone: (301) 287-0675; E-mail:

Click on this link to see Beyond Nuclear sample comments, which you can use to write your own.