Number of resolutions growing against Canadian nuclear waste dump on the Great Lakes
In addition to these numerous resolutions, as of April 10, 2014, over 53,000 individuals have signed the Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump petition.
Below, please find links to many of these resolutions opposing, or voicing serious concerns, regarding Deep Geological Repositories (DGRs) for burying radioactive wastes in the Great Lakes Watershed:
(GLU, disbanded in June 2013, was an environmental coalition comprised of scores of groups from the U.S., Canada, and Native American First Nations)
Macomb County Water Quality Board - (Macomb County, Michigan)
Macomb County Board of Commissioners - (Macomb County, Michigan)
(As of 2012, Macomb County had a population of 847,383);
St. Clair County Water Quality Board - (St. Clair County, Michigan)
(As of 2012, St. Clair County had a population of 160,644);
Marine City - (St. Clair County, Michigan)
(As of 2012, Marine City had a population of 4,174);
City of St. Clair Shores - (Macomb County, Michigan)
(As of 2012, the City of St. Clair Shores had a population of 59,749)
Environmental and public interest group sign-on statement (around 300 organizations, including coalitions, as well as many hundreds of individuals).
The Huron Declaration, Nuclear Labyrinth on the Great Lakes - International Conference held in Huron, Ohio, focused on critical nuclear issues affecting the health of the Great Lakes watershed;
Great Lakes United (re: DGR 1 and 2). GLU also passed a companion RESOLUTION ON THE HUMAN RIGHT TO WATER, inherently incompatible with OPG's proposed DUDs, which resolved: "that Great Lakes United urge the governments of Canada and the United States in national and global trade, to exercise responsible stewardship over this life-giving resource by respecting water as a common good and basic human necessity thereby a human right that cannot be bought and sold, this being ensured through public ownership; and recognize that this human right brings with it the duty to treat water responsibly, and the obligation to ensure all citizens’ human rights are met." (emphasis added)
(The State of Michigan, as of 2012, was home to 9,883,000);
Macomb County Board of Commissioners - (Macomb County, Michigan - 2nd resolution);
Village of Lexington - (Sanilac County, Michigan)
(As of 2010, Lexington had a population of 1,178);
Lynn Township - (St. Clair County, Michigan, one of three townships in St. Clair County that defeated a "low" level radioactive waste dump for 8 states, a little over two decades ago)
(Lynn Twp.'s population is reported as 1,129 to 1,187);
St. Clair County Board of Commissioners - (St. Clair County, Michigan);
Wayne County Board of Commissioners - (Wayne County, Michigan)
(As of 2012, Wayne Co. had a population of 1,792,000);
(As of 2012, Oregon had a population of 20,221);
(Lambton Co. currently has a population of 126,199);
City of Sarnia - (Lambton County, Ontario)
(As of 2011, Sarnia, the largest city on Lake Huron, had a population of 72,366);
Greenwood Township - (St. Clair County, Michigan)
(As of 2000, Greenwood Twp. had a population of 1,373);
(As of 2011, Essex Co. had a population of 177,891);
Town of Blue Mountains, Ontario
(As of 2011, The Blue Mountains (Town) had a population of 6,453);
(As of 2011, Kingsville had a population of 21,362);
Attached to Sen. Hopgood's written testimony to the Joint Review Panel are statements of opposition to the Great Lakes radioactive waste dump provided by: Michigan United Conservation Clubs (with 42,000 members); Michigan Boating Industries Association (comprised of 300 marine businesses); Michigan Charter Boat Association; Michigan Steelhead & Salmon Fishermen's Association (the largest sport fishing organization in the Great Lakes Basin); Michigan Environmental Council (a coalition of more than 70 organizations); and Michigan Clean Water Action (boasting 200,000 members);
(As of 2012, Toledo had a population of 284,012);
(As of 2011, London had a population of 366,151);
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, May 24th and August 13th. The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative (GLSLCI) is a binational coalition of mayors and other local officials (in over 100 cities) that works actively with federal, state, and provincial governments to advance the protection and restoration of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River.

(As of 2012, Wyandotte had a population of 25,485);
(As of 2011, Mississauga was Canada's 6th largest municipality, with a population of 713,443).

The City of Toronto, Canada's largest city, with a population of 2.79 million, on Nov. 14th

The City of Windsor, Ontario -- just across the Detroit River from Detroit, MI -- has also passed a resolution opposing OPG's DUD! Its population is 215,000.

The City of Kingston, Ontario passed resolution on Nov. 19th opposing OPG's DUD. Kingston, where the St. Lawrence River meets Lake Ontario, has a population of 123,363.
This ever expanding list, above, of 7 counties, and more than a dozen cities, towns, townships, and villages across MI, OH, and ON, represent jurisdictions with a combined population of nearly 17.7 million downstream residents.

The Town of Ajax "By the Lake" (Lake Ontario, that is), just east of Toronto, near the 8-reactor Pickering Nuclear Power Plant, has also passed a resolution against the DUD. Ajax, as of 2011, had a population of 109,600.
This takes the total population of municipalities (cities, towns, townships, counties, villages, etc.) with resolutions against the DUD to around 17.8 million.

The Town of Port Clinton, OH passed a resolution on Dec. 10, 2013. Port Clinton is located within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone of FirstEnergy Nuclear's Davis-Besse atomic reactor. Port Clinton has a population of over 6,000.

Our allies at Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump report that the following municipalities have recently adopted resolutions opposing the DGR (or DUD):

City of Milan, MI, in Southeast MI, population 5,836.