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Ways to submit comments to DOE re: "Consent-Based Siting" of radioactive waste dumps & Mobile Chernobyls by July 31 deadline

Use Beyond Nuclear's "We do NOT consent!" talking points to prepare your own for submission to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by its July 31, 2016 deadline.

You may submit questions or comments by any of the following methods: 

Attend public meetings and make oral comments during the time provided at the end of the day.

Email: Responses may be provided by email to Please include “Response to IPC” [Invitation for Public Comment] in the subject line.

Mail: Responses may be provided by mail to the following address: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Response to IPC, 1000 Independence Ave SW., Washington, DC 20585.

Fax: Responses may be faxed to 202-586-0544. Please include “Response to IPC” on the fax cover page.

Online: Responses will be accepted online at [DOE has here only provided the general website -- <Consent-Based Siting> must be entered in the search field to get to the precise site; once at the Results screen, see the COMMENT NOW! button in the upper right hand corner of the Results screen, click on it, and fill out the Web Form. Entering the following URL should also take you directly to the Web Form to be filled out:]

We must flood DOE with a large number of public comments between now and the end of the public comment period. DOE has just extended the public comment period to July 31, 2016, due to a recently announced meeting to be held in late July in Minneapolis, Minnesota.