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DANGER - Radioactive Leak at INDIAN POINT

This 30-minute interview has just been published and broadcast in New York City, and is also available for viewing online: Alfred C. Meyer, Board Member of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) & Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Watchdog at Beyond Nuclear, discuss the danger of continuing radioactive leaks at Indian Point, Buchanan, New York. An Access for All Production produced through the facilities of Manhattan Neighborhood Network, by Gloria Messer, Producer/Director.

High-level radioactive waste storage pools, as well as dry casks, are discussed during the course of the interview. The pools at Indian Point have been leaking hazardous radioactivity into the soil, groundwater, and Hudson River for over a decade. Also, the safety and security risks of losing the cooling water in the pools -- whether due to a sudden drain down, or slower motion boil down -- is very significant. The pools lack a robust radioactive containment structure, and a waste fire could unleash very large quantities of hazardous radioactivity, such as Cesium-137, into the environment.