Protect the Great Lakes march & rally, GLEA, Port Huron, MI, Sat., 8/20, noon to 5pm!
DO sign the petition: And, if you or folks you know are near enough Port Huron, please attend this second annual event! Please spread the word!Join us, Saturday, August 20,
2016 in Port Huron, Michigan!
Protect the Great Lakes Walk & Rally!
Celebrating grassroots efforts to keep
our Great Lakes clean!
The Walk begins at 12 Noon at the Flag Plaza under the Blue
Water Bridge (Thomas Edison Parkway). The Walk will follow the
St. Clair River south to Prospect Place, turn west to Pine Grove Ave.,
then enter the park from Pine Grove Avenue.
We walk to raise awareness of the importance of protecting our water!
The Rally takes place from 1 to 5 PM at the Pine Grove Park in
Port Huron, 1204 Pine Grove Avenue, Port Huron, MI 48060.
Map to the International Flag Plaza posted here:
Map to Pine Grove Park posted here:
Harold Watts, Local Woodland Metis member,
will offer a special smudging ceremony before our program.
We will have live music and welcome speakers from many
organizations, including:
LeeAnne Walters, the Mom from Flint who helped expose the Flint Water Crisis
Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist of Beyond Nuclear,
Jill Taylor, President of SOS - Great Lakes,
Joshua Radhs, Michigan Clean Up Our River Banks,
And speakers from other great groups!
We’ll also hear from Save Lake St. Clair, and BikeLine5,
Live Music from Little Big Band!
Contact Elizabeth Lloyd <> for more information.
See the March/Rally flier here!

The Paul Miller Show on 1380AM/WPHM interviewed Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear about the issues he'll speka about on the march/rally in Port Huron.