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76 groups request 120-day extension to public comment period on scheme to abandon high-level radioactive wastes in situ

Beyond Nuclear has joined with 75 other environmental groups -- from national to grassroots, representing many states -- to demand 120 more days during which to comment on the U.S. Department of Energy's proposal to linguistically detoxify high-level radioactive waste, into low-level radioactive waste. This would allow DOE to abandon in situ large quantities of forever hazardous high-level radioactive waste, which would then leak out into the broader environment over time, to harm humans and other living things. Under current law, high-level radioactive wastes must be cleaned up, and removed for permanent disposal in a deep geologic repository.

Sites that could be impacted by DOE's dangerous scheme include Hanford, WA and West Valley, NY, as well as others.

See the environmental coalition's letter to DOE, here.