





Entries by admin (2761)


JOIN NIRS, Beyond Nuclear, and the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent's mobilization for Climate Justice!

Join NIRS & Beyond Nuclear for the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent at the People's Climate March in Washington, D.C. this Saturday, April 29th, and at sister marches across the country!

Please read on re: (1.) FINAL planning call Tues., April 25 @ 8pm Eastern; (2.) Chernobyl +31: From Nuclear Disaster to Clean Energy Revolution, Wed., April 26 @ 8pm Eastern.

Call-in numbers and more.


Tell EPA: Radioactivity places greater health burden on women, children, pregnancy

EPA is holding a public conference call on radiation exposure standards (among other topics) this coming Monday, April 24 from 11 AM to 2 PM EST, phone number (800) 305-3182,  ID# 8535873

This is in response to the Executive Order issued on February 24, 2017 on enforcing regulatory agendas. This order requires federal agencies to alleviate “unnecessary regulatory burdens placed on the American people.”

We all know that, according to research, exposure to radioactivity from the nuclear bomb and power industries places greater health burdens on females, children and pregnancy.


1)    their current regulations are not protective enough especially of females and early life stages who get more cancers than men for the same amount of radiation and can have negative neurological impacts at even very low doses. If EPA wants to streamline their regulations, they should focus on protecting the most vulnerable life stages – pregnancy and childhood – and get rid of more complicated, much less protective, exposure standards

2)    EPA should assume that there will always be a pregnant person in the population and set any radiation standards to protect them.


NOT YOUR LAST CHANCE: If you can’t make the call, EPA is also accepting written comments by May 15. This comment docket is EPA-wide, so please make sure to comment specifically on radioactive pollution. Beyond Nuclear will be providing comments on the call as well as more detailed written comments. Watch the Bulletin for main points to use for the May 15, 2017 written comment deadline.


Beyond Nuclear media statement re: WCS, TX request to NRC to suspend licensing for high-level radioactive waste centralized interim storage facility

News from Beyond Nuclear

For Immediate Release, April 19, 2017

Contact: Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Watchdog, Beyond Nuclear, (240) 462-3216;

Beyond Nuclear Media Statement

re: Waste Control Specialists, LLC (WCS) request to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to suspend the licensing proceeding and environmental scoping on its application to open a Centralized Interim Storage Facility (CISF) for highly radioactive commercial irradiated nuclear fuel in Andrews County, Texas

Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear’s Radioactive Waste Watchdog, stated:

“This latest radioactive waste Ponzi scheme has collapsed under its own weight. In its request to NRC to suspend the proceedings, WCS acknowledged ‘enormous financial challenges.’ In other words, WCS’s financial assurances for the future, and financial status at present, are little more than a wobbly house of cards, that have now come crashing down.

First and foremost, although the nuclear power industry would never admit it, this is yet another clear sign that there is no good solution for the dilemma of its forever deadly high-level radioactive waste. For this reason alone, the four new reactors under construction in Georgia and South Carolina should be terminated, and 99 dangerously age-degraded atomic reactors, located in 30 states across the U.S., should be permanently shut down, as soon as possible. Their electricity can be readily replaced with clean, safe, and ever more affordable energy efficiency and renewable sources, such as wind and solar power." More.


JOIN NIRS, Beyond Nuclear, and the Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingent's mobilization for Climate Justice!

Join NIRS and Beyond Nuclear in the planning and carrying out of Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free Contingents at the People's Climate March in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, April 29th, and at sister marches across the country.

Take part in a planning call on Tuesday, April 18th at 8pm Eastern.

Take part in a pre-march event, to mark the 31st annual commemoration of the beginning of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, on Wednesday, April 26th.

And join us on April 29th, in D.C. at the People's Climate March, and at sister marches nationwide!

Click here for more information.


As Chernobyl anniversary looms, group works to improve worker and animal wellbeing

The Clean Futures Fund, co-created by Beyond Nuclear Board member, Lucas Hixson, with Erik Kambarian, is working with Ukrainian partners to improve safe working conditions and long-term care for Chernobyl workers and individuals in the affected areas. Hixson and Kambarian have made a number of visits to the area where they have participated in radiological training since 2013. These experiences led them to conclude that giving back to the community was important. The first project is taking place in the town of Slavutych.

In addition to worker support, the CFF is embarking on a spay/neuter and vaccination program for the stray dog population that surrounds the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Hundreds of stray dogs, descendants of pets abandoned during the 1986 disaster evacuation, live around the plant and within the exclusion zone. More about the dogs can be found on Twitter at #DogsofChernobyl. 

Read the CFF press release.