





Entries from September 1, 2020 - September 30, 2020


Renewables soar while nuclear continues to struggle

For the first time ever, renewable sources (excluding hydropower) generated more power than nuclear plants in 2019. This was a conclusion of the 2020 World Nuclear Industry Status Report, released today. The report looks at the significant and disturbing impacts of COVID-19 on operational safety; the escalating costs and expanded timelines of Small Modular Reactors, including US-based NuScale whose startup predictions now stretch to 2030 but will likely see further delays; and covers nuclear construction in the Middle East, driven by politics and “prestige” rather than economics. Given the pattern of outages and shutdowns, lead author, Mycle Schneider called nuclear power “the most intermittent electricity generation source I have found so far,” during the report’s live rollout.


Nuclear Free Local Authorities welcomes WNISR findings

From the UK Nuclear Free Local Authorities:

The Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA) welcomes the 2020 edition of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report. This independent report is undertaken by a series of international experts from Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Lebanon/U.S. and the U.K, as well as from top think tanks like Chatham House in London and prestigious universities like Harvard in the United States, Meiji in Tokyo, Japan and the Technical University in Berlin, Germany. (1)

Amongst its core conclusions are:
• The world’s operating nuclear fleet is now at a 30 year low. 
• The number of operating nuclear reactors in the world has dropped by nine over the past year to 408 as of mid-2020. That is below the level already reached in 1988, and 30 units away from the historic peak of 438 in 2002.
• Nuclear power is the most expensive energy source except for gas peaking plants. 
• For the first time, in 2019 renewable energy sources out-performed nuclear power in terms of global generation. 

The report also consider the impact that Covid-19 is having on the nuclear industry. It noted:
• The U.S. nuclear regulator granted site operators permission to impose extremely long work hours, with some working 16 hours a day and 86 hours a week.
• In Russia and Sweden control-room staff were isolated in on site housing.
• In France, workers walked off at least three reactor sites, considering their health and safety were not appropriately protected.
• Force-on-force exercises in the U.S. were suspended, leading to a degraded readiness level.
• In many cases, refuelling and maintenance outages have been altered to eliminate “noncritical work” or were deferred entirely to the end of the year or even into 2021.
• Numerous fuel-chain and research facilities were shut down.

NFLA notes that the coordinator of the report, Mycle Schneider, commented:
“Nuclear energy has become irrelevant in the electricity generating technology market. At the same time, Covid-19 puts additional stress on the sector.”  READ MORE


Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant in Alabama - Latest Attempts at Circumvention of Law By Nuclear Development, LLC

Thank you to Garry Morgan of BREDL/BEST/MATRR <> for circulating the following message:

Nuclear Development LLC (ND), Franklin Haney and associates, regarding Bellefonte Nuclear Facility attempts to circumvent law, asks the NRC to do the same, in that ND does not have procession of the TVA property, nor control of the nuclear facility. Documentation, request to NRC:   All documentation of the Bellefonte licensing  actions by ND:   Note NRC's reply on August 31, 2020. 

Of note, Bill McCollum, Jr. , ND CEO and CNO is the ex TVA exec which lied regarding costs of Watts Bar unit 2 and began the fiasco with the retaliation toward whistleblowers at Watts Bar and the TVA for safety violation reporting.

[Learn more about Memphis billionaire Franklin Haney's attempts at high-level lobbying of President Trump, and ultra-wealthy investors, for regulatory approvals and financial favors, in order to open the nuclear power plant. Haney retained Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen to carry out the lobbying, as discussed in Cohen's recently published book, Disloyal: A Memoir (The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump), Skyhorse Publishing, September 2020. Haney offered Cohen a $10M broker fee, plus a sizable fifteen percent interest in the company," for his lobbying efforts, Cohen writes. Cohen's lobbying efforts, on behalf of Haney's nuclear power plant scheme, and other clients, was reported about contemporaneously in the news media at the time.]

September 26: Nuclear Abolition Day

September 26 is International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.

#wethepeoples2020 is organizing an exciting global civil society event of speakers, video messages, music, workshops and panels lasting over 10 hours. Click here for the full program. The event is being held in two parts: Part 1 is timed for people in Asia and the PacificClick here to register. Part 2 timed for people in the Americas, Europe and AfricaClick here to register. Presenters include United Nations leaders, parliamentarians, religious leaders, former military leaders, sports champions, youth, people impacted by nuclear weapons tests, poets, musicians, climate activists, peace and disarmament activists and others. 

We encourage you to register for the event and to promote it to your members and networks.  

Call to Governments

The UN will hold a High Level meeting on October 2 to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

We encourage you to promote this event, and to call on your governments to participate at the highest level (Prime Minister, President or Foreign Minister) and use the occasion to affirm that a nuclear war must never be fought, commit to the elimination of nuclear weapons by 2045 (the 100th anniversary of the UN) and cut nuclear weapons budgets and investments in order to free up resources required to address the COVID-19 pandemic, protect the climate and achieve the sustainable development goals. 

Click here for a sample letter to governments, plus names, contact emails and twitter handles for Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign Ministers and UN Ambassadors of most countries in the world. 


Please submit public comments opposing the ISP/WCS CISF in TX by Nov. 3!

WCS/ISP DEIS: Ideas for comments you can use to write your own for submission to NRC
