





Entries from February 1, 2018 - February 28, 2018


Reflections in Fukushima. Greenpeace radiation survey in Namie and Imitate


Returning to the Fukushima exclusion zone


Beyond Nuclear Appeals to U.S. Supreme Court in Opposition to Fermi 3 Proposed New Atomic Reactor

Photo showing cooling towers and electricity transmission lines at Fermi 2. Exclusion of Fermi 3's transmission lines from NRC's EIS forms the basis of Beyond Nuclear's NEPA appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.Environmental Coalition’s Decade-Long Resistance Challenges U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Rule that Undermines National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to Aid New Reactor Construction

Link to Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court

Link to Petition's Appendix

Link to Media Release

July 2015 Backgrounder on the issues: Beyond Nuclear appeals scandalous NRC rule that has long undermined NEPA, paving way for new atomic reactor construction.



Bure followup: Monsieur Hulot's Nuclear Holiday



Here is our article in Counterpunch detailing the Bure raid and the perceived betrayal by alleged one-time environmental activist, Nicolas Hulot, now a government minister. Pictures of Hulot, "before" and "after."


In massive over-reach, French raid anti-nuke occupation with 500 gendarmes

On February 22, the French government mounted a military-style assault on a small community of anti-nuclear activists who had been watchdogging, and living on, a site for the country’s proposed high-level radioactive waste dump in the Champagne-Ardenne region of France near the village of Bure.

As many as 500 armed gendarmes in riot gear moved in at dawn, with bulldozers, trucks, helicopters, drones and chainsaws to confront about 15 occupiers, self-described “owls” who had been living in tree houses and lookout towers for the past 18 months keeping watch over a forest designated to be torn down for the country’s first high-level radioactive waste repository.  

The gendarmes broke down doors, tore down the tree houses, demolished encampments and dragged people away under arrest. To justify this stunt, the Macron government claimed the zone was a ZAD —zone à défendre or zone to defend —used to justify clearing out what they define as a militant or anarchist occupation that is blocking a development project. 

After removing those occupying the Lejuc Wood — designated for ventilation shafts for the dump —they headed to the House of Resistance in Bure, headquarters for the national campaign against the dump, battering down the door and removing residents by force. The House of Resistance has anchored the anti-Bure campaign for 20 years.

Our full story on this will appear February 27, 2018 in Counterpunch. A link will be posted here then.