Entergy's Entropy: Calls grow for shutdowns before meltdowns
Entergy's fleet of operating reactors (see map, right) is dwindling. Shutdowns have been announced for FitzPatrick, NY in early 2017, and Pilgrim, MA in mid-2019, in addition to Vermont Yankee's permanent closure in late 2014. The three worst performing reactors in the U.S., as designated by the Nuclaer Regulatory Commission (NRC), are Entergy owned and operated: Pilgrim, and Arkansas Nuclear One Units 1 & 2. Friends of the Earth, with Fairewinds Associates' Chief Engineer, Arnie Gundersen, as expert witness, has just filed an emergency petition with NRC, regarding severe degradation of baffle-former bolts at Indian Point (IP), NY Unit 2, essential for core cooling. FOE has called for not only IP 2 to remain in a safety shutdown, until the root cause analysis is completed, but is calling for an immediate emergency inspection at IP Unit 3, which is currently operating, despite unknown levels of bolt degradation. Meanwhile, local residents are blocking the construction of a large-diameter, high-pressure, fracked natural gas pipeline that would pass within just hundreds of feet of IP's safety systems, further exacerbating risks to 20 million people within a 50-mile radius in the metro New York City region. And energy industry investment analysts at UBS have advised that Entergy should do a favor for its own shareholders, as well as regional ratepayers, by retiring its problem-plagued, age-degraded Palisades, MI atomic reactor. Remarkably, despite NRC's complete regulatory retreat even in the face of "willful violations" of safety regulations, a very high Power Purchase Agreement (at ratepayer expense) sales price for its electricity, and cancellations of multiple major safety repairs, Palisades is still losing money. See our Reactor Safety website section for more on Entergy's worsening entropy.Entergy's Entropy: Calls grow for shutdowns before meltdowns