





Entries from October 1, 2011 - October 31, 2011


If you feel like screaming...


Does the continued promotion of nuclear power by the Obama administration – even after Fukushima – make you want to scream? If so, you are not alone. Join like-minded activists at the Beyond Nuclear I Have A Scream rally on Hallowe’en at 12 noon, Monday, October 31 outside DOE headquarters (see flyer for details).

On October 31, an aptly chosen date, the US Energy Department’s Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future will finally close its supposedly open doors to any further public comment on its mandate to “solve” this country’s radioactive waste problem. Using millions of our taxpayer dollars, and after junkets to France and Finland, the commission has come up with nothing new at all! To wit: it recommends that a new search should be made for a geologic repository; reactor waste should be transported to centralized interim storage sites; and that research, development, and demonstration dollars from taxpayers should continue to be wasted on reprocessing.

Wear a costume, bring a sign and let your voices - and screams - be heard!


Beyond Nuclear testifies at final BRC meeting in DC

Today, Beyond Nuclear's Radioactive Waste Watchdog testified at the final Washington, D.C. meeting of the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future. In the morning, he was invited to testify by BRC on a panel about the risks of transporting high-level radioactive waste and irradiated nuclear fuel. In the afternoon session, Kevin gave public comments, calling for a halt to the generation of any more high-level radioactive waste by phasing out nuclear power and replacing it with renewables such as wind and solar power, and maximized energy efficiency.

October 31st is the final day for making public comments to the BRC. Please urge BRC to secure risky radioactive wastes once again before their deadline, even if you've already done so previously! And, if you can make it, please join Beyond Nuclear for a Halloween "I Have a Scream!" costume rally at the U.S. Department of Energy's headquarters in Washington, D.C. to protest BRC's many bad policy recommendations about radioactive waste management.


Groups petition NRC to delay restart of quake-centered N. Anna reactors

Awaiting the announcement that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will approve the restart of Units 1 and 2 at North Anna, a coalition of concerned citizens locally and regionally have filed an Emergency Enforcement Petition to stop the reactors while the regulatory body actually collects input from the community.  Members of Not On Our Fault Line and the People's Alliance for Clean Energy will be speaking to press about the reasons we're asking the NRC to slow down the restart process.  See the petition here. Groups filing are: Beyond Nuclear, Not On Our Fault Line, Sierra Club-Virginia Chapter, Saprodani Associates, Alliance for Progressive Values and Planetary Health, Inc. The groups will be holding a press conference on Friday, October 21st at 1pm at 512 Mineral Ave. Mineral, VA 23117 (the Post Office in Mineral). Map courtesy of PSR.


Fukushima Meltdown, the book, available at Amazon Kindle

An English translation of veteran anti-nuke writer Hirose Takashi’s Japanese best seller, Fukushima Meltdown: The World’s First Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Disaster is now available at Amazon Kindle Books. We are not going to learn what happened at Fukushima by reading the mainstream media, or by studying the pronouncements of the Japanese Government and TEPCO.  For people who want to know what went wrong at Fukushima, what went haywire with the media, and what is likely to happen next in earthquake-prone Japan, this is a must read.


A reminder that reactors harm animals too, every day

This is a video made by Beyond Nuclear's Paul and Linda Gunter in 2001 when they were with NIRS, and in partnership with the Humane Society of the United States. It accompanies our report of the same name found here. Sadly, it is not out of date.