New study finds uranium and radium migrating offsite into St. Louis communities around nation's first atomic bomb dump site
Evidence of excessive radon emissions from buried uranium and radium-containing wastes in offsite soil and residential dust samples in St. Louis populated communities nearest the Westlake Landfill where Manhattan Project-era uranium processing from first atomic bomb are buried.
“Tracking legacy radionuclides in St. Louis, Missouri, via unsupported 210Pb,”
Marco P.J. Kaltofena , , Robert Alvarezb, , Lucas Hixsonc,
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity Volume 153, March 2016, Pages 104–111
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From the Abstract: "Analysis of 287 soil, sediment and house dust samples collected in a 200 km2-zone in northern St. Louis County, Missouri, establish that offsite migration of radiological contaminants from Manhattan Project-era uranium processing wastes has occurred in this populated area."