





Entries from December 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015


New study finds uranium and radium migrating offsite into St. Louis communities around nation's first atomic bomb dump site

Evidence of excessive radon emissions from buried uranium and radium-containing wastes in offsite soil and residential dust samples in St. Louis populated communities nearest the Westlake Landfill where Manhattan Project-era uranium processing from first atomic bomb are buried.

“Tracking legacy radionuclides in St. Louis, Missouri, via unsupported 210Pb,”

Marco P.J. Kaltofena , , Robert Alvarezb, ,  Lucas Hixsonc,

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity Volume 153, March 2016, Pages 104–111

Can be viewed for free at this link for 30 days at

From the Abstract:  "Analysis of 287 soil, sediment and house dust samples collected in a 200 km2-zone in northern St. Louis County, Missouri, establish that offsite migration of radiological contaminants from Manhattan Project-era uranium processing wastes has occurred in this populated area."


Davis-Besse atomic reactor’s emergency diesel generator voltage too low to connect to safety and cooling systems

Beyond Nuclear and Don't Waste Michigan issued a press release after a December 17, 2015 meeting between U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff and FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) officials revealed that the last line of defense against core meltdown at the problem-plagued nuclear power plant would not work if called upon. (See the Word version for live URL links to relevant documents.) Learn more at Beyond Nuclear's "Reactor Safety" website section.


Environmental coalition decries decision to relicense Davis-Besse reactor

The coalition of environmental groups that have been battling against FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC) bid to extend operations at its problem-plagued Davis-Besse atomic reactor for the past five years, have decried the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) approval of FENOC's application as a rubber-stamp. The coalition warns that the 2017 to 2037 extension, to be largely funded by multiple billions of dollars in ratepayer subsidies, if approved by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, amounts to another two decades of "radioactive Russian roulette" on the Lake Erie shoreline. 

"Davis-Besse is a contrivance of regulatory neglect and corporate welfare. Without the existence of both, it would be a fading road bump in the transition to a full-employment, safe energy future," said Terry Lodge, a Toledo attorney, and the intervening environmental coalition's legal counsel.

The coalition is comprised of Beyond Nuclear, Citizen Environmental Alliance of Southwestern Ontario, Don't Waste MI, and the Ohio Green Party.  Read the full press release.


NRC plays Russian Roulette, gives Davis Besse 20-year license extension


"Dynegy, Talen: We’ll Sue" to stop FirstEnergy bailout

As reported by Ted Caddell in RTO Insider's article "Merchant Generators Lead Opposition to FirstEnergy-Ohio Settlement," when it comes to "picking winners and losers," Beyond Nuclear has some diverse allies in opposing a risky 20-year license extension at the problem-plagued Davis-Besse atomic reactor, that can only take place compliments of an outrageous, multi-billion dollar ratepayer bailout. More.