





Entries from May 1, 2021 - May 31, 2021


Dennis Kucinich: What have I been working on? The Division of Light and Power

Email from Dennis Kucinich, former Cleveland, OH city council member, clerk of courts, mayor, Ohio State Senator, U.S. Representative, and two-time presidential candidate:

Dear Friend,

I would like to share with you my personal odyssey in writing The Division of Light and Power, which goes on sale on June 8, 2021.

I began writing the first draft in November of 1979 at journalist Bob Scheer’s and LA Time’s editor Narda Zacchino’s house in Berkeley, California. I discovered I was too close to the searing experiences described in the book. I could not tell the story, much as I tried. It was man against white space and white space won, my thoughts of a book, projections of futility against a torn screen.

The page was blank, in some ways that is the way my life felt. I set aside the project. I wrote drafts in 1981, 1984, and 1993. Not satisfied, I put the writing aside again during service in the Ohio Senate and US Congress. When I left Congress in 2013, I focused on the book, wrote a few more drafts. Then, three years ago, in 2018, I began again, and, finally, was able to produce the first final draft.

The book’s subtitle could well be “My Life in Boxes.” I carried nearly 100 boxes of the documentation and notes around with me for 50 years, carting them from place to place, cardboard extensions of myself, of unrealized articulations, parked in basements, garages, and cold storage lockers. The swirling fragments of the story were an etheric version of Marley’s chains, an emotional and spiritual burden from the ghost of Christmases past, apparitions rattling around in the attic of my brain, insisting upon being brought to form.

Finally, the book is real. I have a printer’s galley to prove it. The book will go on sale on June the 8th, 2021. Here are some links:


I ask that you preorder the book, and, once you read it, if you like it, tell your friends. Some of you may have media contacts to share word of the book. Please direct them to Please pass the word and encourage others to read The Division of Light and Power and learn we can reclaim government for the people.

With your help, The Division of Light and Power will create a call to action, on utilities, on local governance and on the urgency of each one of us taking a stand. It is also a call to action for courage, for never giving up and never giving in.

With gratitude for your support,



"Advanced" isn't better, and arguably worse

The latest edition of The Update, promoting the second in our series of Talking Points, pulls out the key messages from Edwin Lyman's excellent analysis of "advanced" nuclear reactor designs. 


CYBER HACKS: Risks to reactors, radioactive waste

The ransomware attack on a fossil fuel pipeline, reportedly by an Eastern European-based, non-state criminal gang, has revealed the vulnerability of our energy sector. Since 1980, Bennett Ramburg has warned about domestic nuclear plants being potential weapons for an enemy. Cyber warfare could target the electric grid, which serves as primary source of power to run safety and cooling systems in both atomic reactors, and storage pools for highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel.
An NRC report has revealed how catastrophic a reactor meltdown could be, in terms of deaths, injuries, and property damage. Pool fires could be even worse. Nuclear power is a potentially catastrophic security risk. It should be phased out ASAP, and replaced with secure renewables.

GRANHOLM ON CISFs: Moving forward, targeting tribal governments

Jennifer M. Granholm's official portrait was unveiled in the state Capitol where it will hang in the Gallery of the Governors. The portrait features the governor amid symbols that tell the story of her administration's efforts to diversify Michigan's economy, educate and train its citizens, and protect them in tough economic times during the two-terms she served as Michigan's 47th governor.Alarmingly, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm (pictured) has said the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will move forward with irradiated nuclear fuel consolidated interim storage facilities (CISFs), "establishing a funding mechanism" and "engaging...tribal explore the concept." Does this mean DOE does not support CISFs currently targeted at New Mexico and Texas? Why, then, is the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission poised to rubber-stamp the Holtec and Interim Storage Partners construction and operations licenses? Lack of consent for radioactive waste abuses was just expressed again in Texas, by strong objection to dangerous legislation benefiting ISP's host, Waste Control Specialists. Given Biden administration support for EJ, how can it support CISFs targeting polluted, low income, Latinx and Indigenous communities?!

BIDEN'S BAILOUT?! Delaware's old reactor risks

NRC file photo of Salem 1 and 2 in s. NJPresident Biden reportedly supports $195 billion in subsidies for 93 dangerously age-degraded atomic reactors across the U.S., as supposed climate emergency mitigation. Ironically, Biden's long-time political power base, Wilmington, Delaware, is very much in harm's way if a breakdown phase disaster occurs 18 miles away, at the three-reactor Salem/Hope Creek nuclear plant in southern New Jersey (pictured). According to NRC's 1982 CRAC-II report, if "just" the 45-year old Salem 1's core melts, 100,000 "peak early fatalities" (acute radiation poisoning deaths) could occur, the worst figure for any U.S. reactor. Seventy thousand radiation injuries, 40,000 latent cancer fatalities, and 367 billion (2020 dollars) in property damage could also result. Urge Biden to change course!