Entries by admin (2761)
What's causing the radiations spikes from Russia? This week on The Update
Unusually high-levels of man-made radioactive isotopes have been detected across Europe, coming from Western Russia. The Russians deny any problems with their nuclear power plants there. So what caused this latest radiation spike? Could it be another failed test of Russia's nuclear-powered cruise missile? The Update explores these questions and more.
The Thom Hartmann Program: 173,000 Tons of Nuclear Waste Under Your Feet! (w/Beyond Nuclear)
Thom HartmannThey want to double the amount of nuclear waste buried under your feet... Trump wants to test nuclear weapons ... you are about to be exposed to nuclear waste ... Nuclear waste is about to be buried in New Mexico. Really? A vast waste facility to be built in NM with both reprocessing and simply dumping it. How will the fresh water you drink be affected? Kevin Kamps joined Thom to discover the news of nuclear waste coming to NM.
Thom Hartmann (photo, left) hosts Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps. Watch/listen to the recording, here.
NEVADA VIEWS: Nuclear tests and the Shoshone people, by Ian Zabarte
Updated - Saturday, June 27, 2020
- Las Vegas Review Journal - NEVADA VIEWS: Nuclear tests and the Shoshone people - By Ian Zabarte Special To The Review-Journal
The Nevada National Security Site (formerly known as the Nevada Test Site) is on Western Shoshone land. So too is the proposed Yucca Mountain high-level radioactive waste dump.
The Space Farce
Congress may not authorize funding for Trump's new dangerous plaything, the US Space Force, but it's still gobbling up millions of dollars while bases are renamed, flags and uniforms are designed and Trump threatens total dominance in space. Linda Pentz Gunter on Nuclear Hotseat.