Title: Meeting with Nuclear Industry to Discuss COVID-19 Regulatory Impacts with respect to 10 CFR 50.55a, steam generator tube inspections, and other refueling outage issues.
Location: Teleconference
Category: This is a Category 2 meeting. The public is invited to participate in this meeting by discussing regulatory issues with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) at designated points identified on the agenda.
Purpose: The purpose of the meeting is to discuss with NEI and nuclear power plant licensees 10 CFR 50.55a, steam generator tube inspections, and other refueling outage issues regarding existing methods for the industry to request temporary regulatory changes resulting from the national priority of limiting the spread of COVID-19.
Contact: Ed Miller, NRC Staff, 301-415-2481, Ed.Miller@nrc.gov; Mike Mahoney, NRC Staff, 301-415-3867, Michael.Mahoney@nrc.gov
Participants: External -- NEI representatives, NextEra, Entergy
Teleconference: Bridge Number -- (800) 475-4934; Pass Code 6561658
A first such mtg. was held on Friday, March 20th; learn more here.
A third such meeting is scheduled for 9:30-11:00 am Eastern, Friday March 27. Learn more here, including the NRC's meeting announcement, agenda, and instructions on how to call in.