





Lessons learned from Three Mile Island Alert, applied to high-level radioactive waste transport risks in MO, KS, NE, and beyond

As March 28, 2019 marks the 40th annual commemoration of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 meltdown near Harrisburg, PA, it is especially important to learn the lessons, and hear the cautionary tales, from survivors of that disaster -- including what they have to say about the risks of high-level radioactive waste transportation.

See the following three videos/animations, prepared as part of a press conference held in the PA state capitol builiding, conducted by Beyond Nuclear and Three Mile Island Alert on 10/2/2018 (an earlier HLRW transport risk speaking tour stop, which also addressed reactor safety issues):

See a 2.5 minute video entitled "Radioactive Waste Transport Risks in Pennsylvania," showing transport road and rail routes for irradiated nuclear fuel shipments by heavy-haul truck and train, from the Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island nuclear power plants. The video was captured by drone, and shows an aerial perspective on the shipment routes. (A special thank you to Dr. Fred Dilger for documenting and confirming these routes, in his 2017 documents, posted at the very top of the State of Nevada Agency for Nuclear Project's web site.) 

Watch "Eye-Witness to Rule-Breaking," a 2-minute video prepared by Scott Portzline, documenting both low-level and high-level radioactive waste transport incidents he observed with his own eyes, in and around his home in Harrisburg, PA.

Watch a 1-mintue animation entitled "Nuclear Waste Transport," also prepared by Portzline.

And along those lines, read an article, "Mobile Meltdown: TMI Train Troubles," written by Kay Drey and Kevin Kamps (currently serving as Beyond Nuclear's board president, and radioactive waste specialist, respectively), which was published in the NIRS/WISE Nuclear Monitor at the time of the TMI Unit 2 meltdown's 25th annual commemoration in 2004.

All of these lessons learned from TMI, and PA, can and should be applied elsewhere, as in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and beyond.

Learn more about Beyond Nuclear's educational speaking tour through America's Heartland, about high-level radioactive waste transportation risks.


370 cracks in the graphite cores but EDF wants to restart its Scottish reactors

Residents living near one of Scotland’s two remaining operating nuclear power stations have been alarmed by proposals to re-start two reactors closed since March and October last year, both of which are showing a growing number of cracks in their graphite cores. 

The reactors — at Hunterston B nuclear power station in Ayrshire, Scotland, about 35 miles from Glasgow — were shut down last year so the cracks could be inspected. But in November 2018, the investigative news site, The Ferret, revealed that more than 350 cracks had been discovered. The cracking issue has been known about since at least 2006 when cracks in the graphite bricks started to appear as a result of neutron bombardment during fission over many years.

As Pete Roche writes, above, alarm bells should be ringing. Yet EDF, which owns and operates Hunterston B, expects to reopen the two reactors, one at the end of March, and the other in early April. But these cracks cannot be repaired and calls are growing to shut the plant permanently. Read the full article.


Why didn't the US "ground" its Fukushima reactors?

After two fatal crashes and considerable stalling, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) did, under pressure, finally ground the Boeing 737 Max aircraft. But when the American (General Electric) nuclear power reactors blew up and melted down at Fukushima in Japan, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission never moved to close the then 31 reactors of identical or similar design still operating in the US. Today, 29 of them are still running.

This week on Beyond Nuclear International, we look into why the nuclear power industry gets a free pass on safety risks and dig into just how beholden to the nuclear industry the NRC actually is. One example? The NRC is not above appointing members of the Commission (including former Exelon lobbyist, Annie Caputo, pictured) who have come straight from the nuclear industry itself. Read the article.


Beyond Nuclear on the Thom Hartmann Program re: Fukushima nuclear catastrophe

As reported on the Thom Hartmann Program: The Fukushima Daiichi Disaster, although out of the news is still irradiating Japan, the Pacific Ocean and the world. Thom interviews Beyond Nuclear's radioactive waste specialist, Kevin Kamps.

Watch the recording at this YouTube link.

Thom has interviewed Beyond Nuclear staff regularly since the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe began on March 11, 2011.


Events in London mark the Fukushima anniversary

A coalition of groups, including Japanese residents of London, UK, will be holding a series of events, as they do every year (and every Friday) to mark the anniversary of the March 11, 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. A march, rally, a vigil and presentations at Westminster by mothers from Japan are among the activities, mirrored around the world by many activist groups today and throughout the week. Read about Japanese Against Nuclear UK and their allies on Beyond Nuclear International.