





French minister says EPR is not proven to be safe or competitive

French energy minister Francois De Rugy has cast doubt on the construction of additional European pressurised reactor (EPR) nuclear reactors in France in an interview on French radio station Europe 1 on Sunday. The outlook for the French nuclear sector was “not guaranteed”, De Rugy said, referring in particular to the bankruptcy of nuclear manufacturer Areva (now Orano), which was narrowly rescued by the French state. “There are problems with the EPR,” the minister said, adding that the technology was not proven to be technologically viable, safe or competitive. France needed to decide whether to build new reactors of this type between “2021 and 2023”, he said. More


EDF to tell UK school children how "positive" new nuclear will be

EDF, the embattled French nuclear utility, will soon initiate a series of "exhibitions in schools and colleges in the East of England, "to talk about the positive impact the project" a proposed new reactor at the Sizewell site would have "on skills in the region." A 12-week public consultation phase will begin on January 4, 2019. "Your views are important to us as we take proposals for Sizewell C forward. Please engage with the project team and come along to your local exhibition," says a company statement. It is to be hoped that plenty will mobilize to "engage" EDF on how detrimental Sizewell C will be. The site is on the beach (pictured left) on a coastline that has shifted dramatically over the centuries -- leaving earlier human settlements now submerged out at sea -- a landscape is likely to change far faster under climate change. Despite massive delays at the EDF reactor projects in France and Finland, and slow progress at its Hinkley C site in the west of England, EDF boasts it expects to begin construction at Sizewell in 2021.


Dutch House pushing government to sign nuclear Ban Treaty

On 20 November 2018, the House of Representatives adopted three motions that call on the Dutch government to give substance to its commitment to actively work towards a world without nuclear weapons. In the coalition agreement of 2017, the government promises to “actively work towards a nuclear-weapons-free world within the framework of the alliance obligations”. The House is still dissatisfied with the steps that have been taken so far.

The House calls on the government to re-examine the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) adopted by a large majority of countries in September 2017. The treaty has now been signed by 69 countries, if 50 countries ratify the treaty it will enter into force. Up to now the Netherlands has not signed, because the treaty would not be compatible with the Dutch principles and with NATO obligations. However, there is broad support among the Dutch population for a Dutch signature under this treaty. Parliament calls on Minister Blok to work to increase the support for this UN Treaty among NATO countries and investigate how the UN Treaty relates to existing national legislation.

The House calls on the government to engage in a dialogue with the nuclear powers, in agreement with Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Lastly, it calls on the government to take a proactive role in preserving the INF treaty.

Click here for an overview of all adopted motions (in Dutch) on nuclear disarmament by the Dutch House of Representatives.


Nuclear can't answer climate change, and it's bad for our health

Beyond Nuclear has produced two, short, accessible handbooks that are available to order. These booklets can be found on our Beyond Nuclear International website at this link:

The Beyond Nuclear handbooks -- Climate change and why nuclear power can't fix it; and Radiation and harm to human health -- outline in short, clear and compelling arguments just why nuclear power is a hindrance to climate change, and dangerous to the health of humans, whether through accident or routine operation. The easy-to-read booklets, in a handy format, are fully referenced and are designed to provide straightforward explanations that discount the pro-nuclear myths.

If you would like order hard copies, please contact Linda Pentz Gunter at 301.270.2209 or Please specify which booklet you want and how many of each and be sure to include your mailing address if you are not already on our database.


California wildfire could be spreading radioactive contamination from cold war site.

Please sign the petition. Listen to Nuclear Hotseat episode #386.

For decades the community around Santa Susanna Field Laboratory (SSFL), just north of Los Angeles, California, asked that the site be cleaned of chemical and radioactive contamination. Now it may be too late to contain it. The Woolsey fire, which evidence indicates started at SSFL, continues to devastate California. It could also be carrying pollution from the former research site to other areas.

Scientists at SSFL experimented with new rocket, weapons and nuclear reactor technologies, leaving a dangerous legacy of environmental contamination, including releases from a reactor meltdown at the site in 1959. Surrounding suburban communities have experienced elevated cancer rates.

Community members are now asking the California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) to warn the public and fire fighters that smoke from the fire could be carrying radioactive particles from the site. The DTSC still denies any danger but they refuse to make public methods used, and results of, any testing they have done. If you live within 25 miles of SSFL, contact Fairewinds for information on testing dust in your house for radiation.

Wildfires have spread radionuclides from areas contaminated by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear reactor meltdown, demonstrating the danger contaminated sites, like SSFL, continue to pose, particularly given the growing impact of climate change on the frequency and intensity of wildfires. This is an unfolding story.