





Rally in New York outside GE building to shut Indian Point and all reactors

About 100 people rallied at Tompkins Sq Park, New York, on June 11, 2011 to protest against nuclear industry, every government that has nuclear power, and international organizations like IAEA and ICRP. US has more than 100 nuclear reactors, the largest number in the world. The nearest from NYC is Indian Point nuclear power plant.

The protesters made about twenty supersized origami cranes, the symbol of peace in Japan, with nuclear sign on their back. They carried the cranes to the GE Building at the Rockefeller Center. The General Electoric is one of nuclear power plant producers and a designer of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors that are still discharging lots of radiation three month after 3.11 Fukushima disaster.

On the same day, approximately 200,000 people in Japan joined over 150 simultaneous No Nukes actions across the country. There were also solidarity actions in Taiwan, Hong Kong, France, Germany, Australia and U.S. And watch the video here.


Summary of Japan's report to IAEA on Fukushima: "the situation has become extremely severe"

The Japan Electric Associated has prepared a brief summary of the Japanese federal government's 750 page report to the International Atomic Energy Agency on the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. The report details its overall conclusion that "the situation has become extremely severe." The summary mentions that the full "findings will be reported at the IAEA ministerial conference due to start on June 20."


Victory! It's official. Nuclear power banned in Italy

Enjoy this exciting report from our colleague and "correspondent," Michael Leonardi:

After an amazing mass mobilization of people all across the country with demonstrations, banner drops, critical mass bike rides, workshops, information booths, film screenings, an incredible use of the social networking and facebook, people running nude through the streets, die-ins, and a door to door neighbor to neighbor grassroots storm, the Italian people have won a historic vote to ban the construction of Nuclear Power plants now and forever!!! A Vote to keep and return Water resources to public ownership and Prosecute the criminal behaviour of political leaders -- first and foremost Silvio Berlusconi. We managed to overcome the daunting task of a quorum of 50 % of all Italian voters + 1 in the face of a mass media completely controlled by Berlusconi and a government that was encouraging voters to go to the beach instead of vote on the first weekend of summer vacation for Italian grade school, middle school and high school students. This quorum had not been reached for over a decade on any referendum. This time the Italian people responded with 57% of the voters turning out to the polls and the Quorum being surpassed in every region of the country!!! 94% of the voters have voted SI to say NO to NUCLEAR POWER, This evening we'll be dancing and singing in the streets and celebrations have already started!!!! This vote on NUCLEAR ENERGY and WATER is not only a vote against the nuclear lobby and government here, but also a resounding rejection of the attempts by the US government and its NATO allies to force Italy into the nuclear arena. Let's hope that this victory can act as a boost to the anti-nuclear movement Internationally and in the United States that seems slowly coming to life in some hotspots.


Berlusconi concedes "no nukes" in Italy with strong referendum turnout

Italy's Premier Silvio Berlusconi conceded Monday that the referendum to shutdown his plan for a nuclear energy revival is "probably" going to win. As of Sunday night, 41% of Italy's voting population had turned out with voting continuing into Monday projected to exceed 51% to make the "no nukes" vote binding.


Tokyo streets blocked by thousands of anti-nuclear marchers on 3 month commemoration of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe

An anti-nuclear demonstrator holds a portrait of outgoing Tokyo Electric Power Co. President Masataka Shimizu with a slogan, "Don't spread radioactivity to western Japan," during a demonstration in Tokyo on Saturday, June 11, 2011. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)The Mainichi Daily News has reported on Saturday's mass protests in Tokyo against nuclear power, in which many thousands blocked city streets. Entire families, including toddlers and even dogs wearing signs, took part, calling for a phase out of nuclear power in Japan. The Mainichi Daily News also reported about a solidarity action in New York City -- organized by Japanese expats -- commemorating the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe three month mark by warning that it can also happen here, as at the Indian Point nuclear power plant. The New York Times reported that, for many in Tokyo, it was their first protest ever in a country renowned for its conformity and obedience to authority. The Times reported:

“I’m here for my children,” said Aki Ishii, who had her 3-year-old daughter in tow. “We just want our old life back, where the water is safe and the air is clean.” Her daughter wore a sign that said “Please let me play outside again.”

Hiromasa Fujimoto, a rice and vegetable farmer, said it was his first protest, too. “I want to tell people that I’m just so worried about the soil, about the water,” he said. “I now farm with a Geiger counter in one hand, my tools in the other.”

“It’s insane,” he added.