





Aftershock disrupts emergency cooling operations at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant yet again

The New York Times reports a strong aftershock in northeast Japan disrupted cooling operations at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant for nearly an hour, as workers were yet again evacuated from the site during a tsunami warning. Meanwhile, exactly one month after the nuclear catastrophe began, the Japanese federal government has begun plans to expand the mandatory evacuation zone from 20 to 30 km, in recognition of the risks of prolonged exposure to elevated radiation levels. 


Mounting cesium-137 contamination of marine biology near Fukushima 

The deliberate dumping and accidental leaking of more than 10,000 tons of radioctively water from the ongoing Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant accident has turned up in excessively contaminated fish in ocean off the coast near the city of Iwaki, Japan.  The half-life of cesium-137 is 30 years with a biological hazard for 300 years.


Radioactive leaks into groundwater around US reactors increasing

The Asbury Park Press (NJ) in a special investigative report finds that despite millions of gallons of radioactive leaks springing buried pipe under US nuclear power stations, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has failed to issue one fine for the contamination of groundwater and drinking water aquifers. See our April 2010 report "Leak First, Fix Later" for more on the national story.


Leaks and damage at Onagawa nuclear power plant, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports that after yesterday's 7.1 magnitude aftershock in Japan, the Tohuku nuclear utility's Onagawa nuclear power plant in Miyagi Prefecture to the north of the now-infamous Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has reported water leaks throughout its three reactor complex, as well as damage to a secondary containment building's "blow out walls." The Onagawa nuclear power plant was -- like Fukushima Daiichi -- thrown into an initial state of crisis on March 11th due to the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and consequent tsunami. Miyagi Prefecture, in fact, is considered to be the hardest hit prefecture of all by the tsunami in northeastern Japan.


Say No to Nukes & No to War, New York City, April 9th

Harvey Wasserman will be among the speakers at a No Nukes/Anti-War rally in New York City on Sat., April 9th, calling for shut down of Indian Point nuclear power plant near New York City and its replacement by energy efficiency and renewables such as wind and solar. The United National Antiwar Committee has called for simultaneous actions in both San Francisco and New York City.