





Who did you kill to toast your bread?

A brilliant 2-minute video by Anna Luisa Schmidt, sums up the fundamental wrong about nuclear power.

Darkroom from Anna Lu on Vimeo.



Uranium Atlas now available

The Uranium Atlas, the first ever map of the world of uranium, is now officially available on line, for viewing and free download. It is in the commons, so you are also free to publish it on your own websites.

The official launch was today, July 16, with a live online event and remembering the twin tragedies of the 1945 Trinity Test and the 1979 Church Rock uranium mill disaster, both in New Mexico. 

The Uranium Atlas looks at everywhere uranium was mined and processed, then how and where it was used, and who suffered as a result. The inescapable conclusion is that the uranium pathway has led us down a slippery slope — to nuclear weapons, nuclear power, and long-lived radioactive waste. And to global discrimination against Indigenous peoples and communities of color.

The Uranium Atlas is a co-publication of the Nuclear Free Future FoundationBeyond Nuclear, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. As its title suggests, the Atlas maps out the pathway of uranium and the harm it has caused — predominantly to Indigenous peoples at the beginning and end of the uranium story, and to people of color and minorities, during its use for nuclear power plants and atomic bombs.

The Uranium Atlas was first published in German (Uran Atlas). Now it has been revised and adapted for an English language version. Please download a copy of the Uranium Atlas (English) here.

If you would prefer to order printed copies of the Uranium Atlas, please contact Beyond Nuclear.


7/15/20: Beyond Nuclear on Radio Sputnik's "Loud & Clear"

Wednesday’s regular segment, Beyond Nuclear, is about nuclear issues, including weapons, energy, waste, and the future of nuclear technology in the United States. Kevin Kamps, the Radioactive Waste Watchdog at the organization Beyond Nuclear, and Sputnik news analyst and producer Nicole Roussell, join the show.

The Update: Uranium Atlas launches July 16

July 16 marks the anniversary of the 1945 Trinity atomic test and the 1979 Church Rock uranium spill disaster, both in New Mexico, USA. On July 16, 2020, Beyond Nuclear, in partnership with the Nuclear Free Future Foundation, the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and IPPNW, will launch the first global Uranium Atlas, in English. The Atlas maps uranium across the world, from the first ores mined to the first cupful of radioactive waste -- and the terrible legacy resulting in nuclear weapons and nuclear power. You can join the online launch then, at this link: 


Join the global launch of the Uranium Atlas!

Please join us for the global launch of the English language edition of the Uranium Atlas. The Atlas maps out uranium, where it is, what it has been (mis)used for, who has suffered as a result, and the ugly path that nuclear power and nuclear weapons have taken us down. We have a wonderful lineup of live guests -- Anna Rondon, Makoma Lekalakala, Ian Zabarte and Sascha Hach, and will hear via video from Tina Cordova and Larry King. The launch date was deliberately chosen to honor those who suffered as a result of the Trinity Test (1945) and the Church Rock uranium tailings disaster (1979). There will be a Q&A session as the end to interact with speakers. Co-hosted by Claus Biegert of the Nuclear Free Future Foundation and Linda Pentz Gunter of Beyond Nuclear. Do please join us! Beyond Nuclear will have printed copies of the Uranium Atlas available after July 16 and it will also then be online.

Join us at 1pm EDT on July 16 at this 

And read more about the event via Facebook.