





Obama energy budget could triple nuclear loan guarantees

President Obama's proposed 2012 energy budget would triple nuclear power loan guarantees from the $18.5 billion already appropriated to $54.5 billion. Obama is asking for an additional $36 billion in 2012 above the $18.5 billion. This mirrors a similar goal articulated in Obama's 2010 State of the Union address but successfully blocked last year. The budget also includes $67 million to develop designs for “small modular reactors." On the brighter side, a program that would study how to extract oil from tar sands was defunded. Beyond Nuclear remains on the front lines in efforts to block authorization and appropriation of loan guarantees for new nuclear power plants and we encourage all reading this to contact their Congressional representatives and urge them not to approve legislation that gives away this unnecessary nuclear pork at taxpayers' expense.


PLEASE ATTEND: Cancer committee meeting agenda posted

NAS has announced that the first committee meeting for analysis of cancer risks near NRC licensed facilities will be on February 24 and 25, 2011 at the Melrose Hotel, 2430 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC. Members of the public are welcome to attend the open session on Thursday, February 24, which will also be webcast. According to the current agenda, the public open session will be from 1 PM to 5:30 PM with public comments starting at 4:15. We encourage you to attend if you are able, and provide comments.


U.K. Nuclear-Free Local Authorities speak out against Canadian radioactive waste shipment

UK NFLA logo.In a media release, the U.K. Nuclear-Free Local Authorities have spoken out strongly against Bruce Power's proposed shipment of 16 radioactive steam generators, which would pass through Irish and British waters on their way to Studsvik Nuclear for so-called "recycling" in Sweden. In addition to contacting the British and Irish governments, the UK NFLA is also contacting the governments of Norway and Sweden to urge them to not approve the shipment entering their waters.


Anishinabek Grand Council Chief says CNSC ignored rule of law by approving radioactive shipment through Great Lakes

Anishnabek Nation logo. See reported at the Canadian Newswire, Anishinabek Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee, speaking on behalf of 39 First Nations in the Union of Ontario Indians (UOI), said in response to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's Feb. 4th approval of the shipment of 16 radioactive steam generators from Bruce Nuclear Power Plant upon the waters of the Great Lakes: "The [Canadian] Supreme Court has stipulated the requirement for consultation and accommodation with First Nations...First Nations have to be accommodated on activities that could have an impact on our traditional territories. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples says handling of hazardous materials in our territories requires our free, prior, and informed consent...When it comes to transporting nuclear wastes through such an important resource as the Great Lakes, there is no such thing as too much consultation. Look at what happened with the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. It's irresponsible to take chances with the transport of hazardous goods, and I'm sure all Canadians would like to think that their federal government is concerned about their safety...The Great Lakes were never negotiated by treaty and we have inherent and treaty rights to all our waterways. Neither the Nuclear Safety Commission nor Bruce Power can guarantee that a disaster will not happen with this shipment. The spillage of any hazardous waste would infringe on our constitutionally-protected rights to fish, hunt, and gather lake-based traditional foods and medicines." The Anishinabek Nation established the Union of Ontario Indians as its political advocate and secretariat in 1949.  The UOI's 39 member communities across Ontario represent approximately 55,000 people. UOI is the oldest political organization in Ontario and can trace its roots back to the Confederacy of Three Fires that have existed long before European contact.


"CNSC, Bruce Power called to the carpet over nuke shipment"

Canadian MP Nathan Cullen (NDP)The Toronoto Sun reports that a Canadian federal parliamentary committee will grill representatives of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and nuclear utility Bruce Power over Friday's CNSC approval of a Bruce proposal to ship 16 radioactive steam generators on the Great Lakes to Sweden for "recycling." Nathan Cullen (pictured at left), a New Democratic Party (social democratic) opposition member of the House of Commons natural resources committee, has confirmed that "public concern has been pouring in." At the end of September, 2010, Cullen also spoke out at the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery just after the environmental coalition -- including Kevin Kamps from Beyond Nuclear -- opposing the shipment, as CNSC hearings were to begin that day on the issue